Kanyama West Clinic Female Nurse Eats Male Patient Before Male Circumcision Proceedings, Infects Him With STIs


Please be informed that Kanyama Police Station station is investigating a case of abuse of authority of office in which m/Jonathan Kampamba aged 33 years, tribe/ bemba, occ/ farmer and of garden house along Mumbwa road and a holder of cell phone number 0975067444 reported that f/Brenda nyambe a nurse at kanyama West Clinic abused her authority of office when he went to the clinic to be circumcised.

This occurred on 10/4/2024 at around 0900hrs to 1000 hours at Kanyama West Clinic.
Brief facts of the case are that on the material day the complainant went to Kanyama West Clinic for circumcision.

However whilst in the operating room, f/Brenda nyambe who is the incharge of vmmc advised him to undress so as to conduct the operation, however after the complainant had undressed he was advised to lay on the operating bed and whilst laying on the bed equally the nurse undressed and remained naked and went to the bed where the complainant was laying and held the penis of the complainant and started fondling it until it erected and she later pulled the complainant to a chair whilst holding his penis within the operating room and later asked the complainant to have sex with her in the same operaring office room and the complainant couldn’t resist and had carnal knowledge with the nurse.

However the complainant never complained and later went ahead to be circumcised after wards.
Unfortunately as a result of the act the complainant discovered that he had been infected with sexually transmitted infections such as uti and syphilis after being tested upon seeing that the circumcision wound was not healing but swelling and the condition continued worsening something that forced the complainant to open up and reported what had transpired to the medical personnel at kanyama first level hospital who in turn referred the complainant to the sister incharge of kanyama west clinic and later reported the matter to Kanyama Police Station.
Medical report issued, inquiry file opened but arrest not yet made.


  1. No arrest can be made in such an incident. The guy enjoyed and reported later of his situation.

    It’s NOT fair for Nurse Nyambe….!!

  2. Zambia Police are really amateurs. Since, like it or not, their job involves reporting, they need to be trained in how to write a logical and consistent report.
    I think the Zambia Police Force needs to be brought to book over reporting processes. Their IG spends his time spying on Lungu when he should be ensuring his men are well trained. Why does a report have to identify an individual’s tribe? And his cellphone number?
    Clearly, Police cant see their silly inconsistencies. The victim’s tribe is mentioned(Why?) but the culprit’s tribe is not. Then the accused is charged with abuse of authority of office. Really? Is that the crime here? If you have allegedly forced sex with someone at your workplace is that abuse of office? And infecting someone with STI is abuse of office?
    Also, you reporters or journalists should not just copy and paste police reports thus transferring rubbish to readers. It’s your job to make sense of an incident and report it properly. All professions in Zambia are dead. Why?

  3. This story is suspect looks like one of those umukachasu. So this chap reported to the police to arrest the nurse because he had unprotected sex with her willingly? If true then he’s definitely a pfidiot!!!!

  4. It is wrong to include tribe n contact numbers of both culprit n victim.This promotes tribalism ,among other things.We are one …


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