Advice to the UPND government following Mr. Edgar Lungu’s statement at Dunamis Church today- Kalani Muchima


Kalani Muchima writes…..

Advice to the UPND government following Mr. Edgar Lungu’s statement at Dunamis Church today.

Firstly before i dwelve into what Mr. Lungu a man who has openly told us that he is a black maamba (Snake) let me first discuss DUNAMIS as a society.

Am aware that every society when being registered, there are rules and guidlines that have to be followed.

I stand to be corrected on what happened at Dunamis today Sunday 19th 2024 if its within the regulations of the society’s Act or NOT.

Tomorrow i will be at the registrar of societies to find out about this and what sanctions can be instituted on a society like dunamis for abrogating the law.

Dunamis currently has no members, and am conviced that UKWA used DUNAMIS to hold a public rally under the guise of a church.

Why am i saying this, am saying this because from the start to the end it was all about politics.

Check the statement of UKWA Chairman Sakwiba Sikota it was a lengthy political statement he made. Actually he read a political speech disguised as a church sermon.

In my view tolerating such gatherings using a church building even if it starts with a sermon is wrong and that freedom to assembly as a church must not be abused.

For those who dont know, the owner of DUNAMIS church, Mr. Dan Pule is also the President Christian Democratic Party and a member of the UKWA alliance.

During the 2016 general elections Mr. pule announced a 40 day prayer and fasting for president Edgar Lungu including in 2021.

Am also waiting to hear a statement from either the Chief Government Spokesperson or Home Affairs Minister and other voices on this matter.

To be continued…..

Part 2 about Mr Lungu tommorow. For now lets discuss what the law states with regards to holding campaign rallies in Church.


  1. That’s just how backwards you are. We all saw this coming from you and Mweetwa tomorrow. Instead of advising government to simply look away and face the economical challenges head on you want them to face ECL who has no party.

    • 2.1 PF LOSERS FOR 2 1 PF IDIOTS you have failed to challenge Kalani’s argument you PF criminal. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals forever

  2. Point. Brother K. This one – Lungu and the whole of his team is trying to bring confusion in the Country. But panono for such to regret of his and their actions.

    Abena SAYI not saki but sayi, since they are frustrating and provoking in the end they will dilute the democracy they are crying for and the law which was made for law breakers will be in action to squarely deal with such evil characters.

    Umunabo satan, serpent lost his place in heaven aculafyenomba apa so the other self proclaimed serpent will also join him. It’s very simple. Provoking innocent people is very dangerous because others will stand in the way of the innocents to defend them -. Bupuba batampile

    With this stance atampile, we will see how things will unfold,

  3. ECL is simply fantastic..I have again started
    liking this man. I thought he has lost it, but it is in him still. 3 minutes speech and the ripples have gone into people’s stomachs and Shiki has started.
    A clever navigation of the Gospel of Matthew 16: 10 , similes and figurative speech given by our Lord Jesus Christ, and applied to our current dire situation ….and some dull praise Thug wants to misinterpret and to go to the Registrar of Societies….te bukopo ubu?? Of the worst kind.
    Don’t waste people’s time..We have listened to the speech. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it…a master piece properly presented.

    • Hallucinating Hypocrite f*ck you PF idiot. Read to understand the argument advanced by Kalani Muchima not that nonsense you are sh*tting you PF loser.

  4. Wrong advice!
    Leave ECL alone!
    Why do you want to continue cleaning him up?
    Sometimes, you have to give someone enough space to self-destruct!
    The more you mention his name, the more popular he becomes!
    Doesn’t UPND have enough crises to deal with than wasting time on ECL?
    ZESCO has just introduced 12 hours of loadshedding as if 8 hours was not bad enough.
    Is this not a crisis?
    You thought running a country was as simple as plotting graphs?
    Mwabombeni ba UPND for failing to govern!

    • Chikubabe, I have followed your posts and I must say I like how objective you have become lately. You don’t support everything but also apply your logical reasoning. I like this. People here are either PF or UPND and never see anything wrong with their parties. Well done!
      Also, are you the regular radio caller?

  5. UPND are cry babes, you know when you suppress the rights of people by using the government institutions to go after your perceived enemies or opponents, you are in deep trouble and self destruction. A smart person uses his intellect, influence, intelligence and power in the modesty and restraint manner. By doing so you gain more respect, recognition, appreciation and confidence from the people.
    What UPND is doing is opposite making them irrelevant, embarrassing, emotionally unstable, impulsive, narcissistic, labile in moods and incapable of understanding what is on the ground to help them prepare and respond appropriately. The biggest problem or challenges UPND has is a regional group of people purely motivated and focused on revenge, destruction, self centred, paranoid, delusional, hears other peoples views or feelings as they are after them. Read the moods of people on the ground and social media, 80% of people in Zambia do not use social media. Denying opposition parties to hold any form of political activity makes you the most dangerous party Zambia has ever seen or created . In doing this ordinary people or citizens are now able to see them in these political parties denied the right to share their political opinions, views and manifesto to Zambians. They are tired of listening to Mwiitwa, Jackie Mwiimbu, Gary Nkomo, Mark Simuwe, Police making threats each time the speak. Humble yourselves because the power that you are enjoying with impunity and abusing will come to an end and you will be followed up by the same police , government institutions that you are abusing to harass and destroy you and your friends who are benefiting your access to power and its benefits.
    UPND, you were just few years ago in opposition, the people of Zambia saw themselves in you as they could not access services if they are not politically aligned or connected. They were harassed like you and did not enjoy the fruits of investing their time and power in PF . That’s why the provinces and ordinary citizens voted for you to instil the tenets of democracy , acknowledging we are all Zambians wanting to living side by side in harmony and tranquility. Today, it’s worser than PF , go to Ministry of Education, example just Kafue , if name is from the north or east you will be removed from a position that you have before PF and replaced by a Tonga, Zesco worse, Zambia police discrimination is even shuddering. The truth pains, I just want to remain you UPND there are intermarriage why are you so much discriminating against people from the North and East when we have lived married from each other and we shared the bonds that are unbreakable


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