Giving tollgates to foreigners criminal – Nawakwi


Giving tollgates to foreigners criminal – Nawakwi

The transfer of the Kafulafuta, Mayumbi and Katuba toll plazas to the concessionaire of the PPP project for the construction of the Lusaka-Ndola dual carriage way was nothing but a scheme by the UPND to continue looting the country’s treasury, Edith Nawakwi has charged.

Ms Nawakwi, the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) says tollgates are the only secure source of income that the country has had in 2024 and corruptly surrendering them away into foreign hands is being extremely unreasonable.


  1. So when PF was giving Lamise and Zindaba the tollgate or was it the traffic Camera contract it was fine and so you didnt speak up?
    Hypocrits…with selective amnesia

  2. At least foreigners are doing something for the country unlike those Zambians who were getting it for free. Whether by a Zambian or by a foreigner, money is always better utilized than being stolen.


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