FDD president Edith Nawakwi

By Ethan Zulu

FDD president Edith Nawakwi has warned Zambians against voting for UPND president Hakainde Hichilema saying electing the alliance leader will be a greatest mistake the country will ever make in its history.

Addressing party officials, Friday, at the party secretariat, Ms. Nawakwi said the FDD will support and campaign for the Patriotic Front (PF) and President Edgar Lungu in the August election.

Ms. Nawakwi explained that voting for Mr. Hichilema will be a greatest mistake because such a decision will be like voting for high levels of poverty, disrespect for women and young people and foreigner power to take over the resources.

“He has no experience, he has never been a councilor for Munali Ward, he has never run public office, he has multitude of problems, where have you ever heard that Professor Nkandu Luo is embroiled into issues of land in Chinsali with her people? but we have heard many stories of land grabbing by Hichilema in Southern Province,” asked Ms. Nawakwi.

She explained that the only ticket that has a future for Zambia, Zambian women and youths is the PF and President Lungu.

Ms. Nawakwi explained that President Lungu is the only leader who has a heart for women and youths among all individuals contesting the election.

She warned that Zambians will have to blame themselves if they made a mistake of electing Mr. Hichilema and his UPND alliance in August.

“I want you to go in villages and say that the only winning ticket is Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the PF. Brothers and sisters where we are going, if you make a mistake you will cry and when you cry don’t think that God will look at you and count your tears, God will reject you that you made a choice. So when you are told the truth, carry the truth forward.”

She implored her members to be peace and development message bearers ahead of the August 12 general election.

“Our structures as FDD you know how we campaigned, I know how you do your foot work, you need to mobilize your group, you need to motivate them, respect them, carry the spirit of peace to this campaign. You are the flag bearers for peace. You need to tell every family that this election is about Agriculture, Education, health.

Ms. Nawakwi said Zambians have a choice to make between the PF and the UPND, adding that their choices would define the future of the country and that of their children.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nawakwi has informed her members and the nation atlarge that her party will support the PF ahead of the August election.

She explained that enemies of the nation have regrouped wanting to take the country into foreign hands, hence the decision for the FDD to support President Lungu in order to give him maximum votes.

“The enemies of this republic will be in the ditch and you know them, the enemies of our country and the enemies of the women of Zambia are those that abduct women and hid them for political expedience. We decided as your executive that in this election we should not give the enemy a chance, the enemy is that enemy who thinks that this country was just made for that person, the enemy of our people is that person who thinks for political expedience they must hijack and hold hostage a woman,” she said.

Ms. Nawakwi said the August election will spell doom to the UPND and its leader as the FDD is ready to expose the evil behind the UPND.

“I want to say that this year, this election will spell dooms day for UPND, because you and I must make sure that each family in this county is told about their evil doing and therefore, for this moment I thought my desire to be leader of this country should be on the shelf for at least this moment, I want us as the FDD to support those amongst us who fear the lord, who have the interest of the country at heart. If you allow HH to be president he will sell our land for money, you have heard his supporters are foreigners, you have heard what they are saying that if they win they will hand over the mines to Angro American, this is a company that impoverished this country up to the point where they asked me to liquidate the mines and these young men that are calling themselves presidents they were there.”

She explained that Zambia can only rebuild under President Lungu who has shown willingness for inclusiveness.


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