By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
…UN told Zambia, it must immediately halt
downward spiral of infringement on fundamental freedoms..
The Government of the Republic of Zambia received a joint communication dated 16th August, 2024, from the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Special
Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.
On 29th August, 2024, a news release titled “Zambia must immediately halt
downward spiral of infringement on fundamental freedoms” was published by the Special Rapporteurs which has been circulating on various media platforms globally.
The Special Rapporteurs requested the Government of Zambia to respond to the allegations within sixty (60) days of receipt of the communication, after which a report would be prepared by the Special Rapporteurs to the United Nations Human Rights Council.
The Government of Zambia has taken note of the concerns raised by the United Nations Iindependent Experts on the multiple allegations of arbitrary arrests and detentions on charges of, inter alia, unlawful assembly, espionage, hate speech and seditious practices against opposition political party leaders and members
parliamentarians, human rights defenders and activists, as well as restrictions on
gatherings, meetings, peaceful protests and rallies in Zambia.
The Government reports that it is committed to the promotion and protection of
human rights in order to ensure that all persons can have full and equal enjoyment of the rights stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia, and the
international human rights instruments to which Zambia is party to.
The Government has taken credible steps to identify, investigate, prosecute, and punish officials who may have committed human rights abuse

Convicting someone of criminal offences is not a human rights violation. What about the rights and the lives of the victims these criminals endangered?
If you look at all the cases listed, these are convicted criminals. Or ongoing cases. Our courts of law are able to deal adequately with these simple cases. To allege that there are human rights violations is going nowhere.
The law breakers must be let free they continue breaking the law with impunity? We close the police, free the prisoners and burn the penal codes? No law.People must enjoy total freedom.The law breakers stop other people from enjoying their freedoms too.Is this what the law breakers are advocating for? Rigmarole!
The Zambia government should not be shaken by some of the allegations of some organisations, our country has got laws and if an individual breaks these laws he must be answerable, it should be noted that the government is not persecuting any opposition member it is the opposition that are provoking the government by deliberately breaking the law and then cry loud to the international community for help,as soon as these opposition members begin to behave in the right manner the government will have no reason to pounce on them,thieves who plundered the resources of this country must be caged without fear or favour
Out of 36 cases on this response, 24 involve pf. If I may ask how political parties do we have in this country to be held hostage by on group of clearly delinquents? 67% by one party, seriously????
The police will not just arrest any person from other parties to balance up figures, this must be known by PF, UKA, Tonse alliance whatever they call themselves. The police are given powers by the people of Zambia through the constitution, the supreme law of the land. So if those wild dogs think they are going to play around with the police, they are in for a big high jump. We want a peaceful Zambia where we can invite our overseas friends and when they go back, they sell our country to the outside world as a good investment destination.
Are we under colonial rule?
Zambia is a sovereign state with it’s laws.
The Opposition has nothing to tell us the Citizens but are running to the outside World. The International community has representatives here and they see what is going on in the Country.
The Opposition must tell the national what their plans are for Zambia since they are a Government in waiting. But to the contrary they are either insulting or just politicking.
At times the insult the donors from the west and look the east as our hope.
The point is the wrong is a wrong regardless of who is involved.
Those that are prosecuted must prove their innocence and those that prosecuting must provide proof in the reasonable time backed by the law.
Why should someone to the UN or anywhere when case are before the courts of law?
If the UN discover that indeed something is wrong with those that are being prosecuted were involved in wrong doing what will the Opposition going to do?
Don’t rush to the outside world please.
The unfortunate part is that the police seem to have been left behind. They are acting like an extention of the ruling party just like they used to under Mr. Kanganja during the rule of the notorious PF and its great leader, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu. They are still the Police Force (PF).
Having said that, let me hasten to say Mr. Mwamba, the author of this article, is a shameless hypocrite. He is on record as having accused Dr. Sishuwa of treason when his party, PF, was in power. He abandoned his role as ambassador and started rabble rousing and got his fingers burnt when he was ordered to compensate Dr. Sishuwa for the false allegations of treason he made against him. Today, he is shouting the loudest about human rights abuse.
He justified the wantom abuses by the notorious PF government as “maintaining law and order”. Mr. Kampyongo, the former Minister of Home Affairs was forever issuing warnings to the public and his enforcer, Bonny “Bone Breaker” Kapeso was only too willing to carryout the threats with subsequent loss of life, like Nsama Nsama, Joseph Kaunda, Vesper, Chibulo, young Mugala.
PF is the true representation of hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness.