Harrassing Men of God, a display of dictatorship with no bounds – Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Harrassing Men of God, a display of dictatorship with no bounds

Minister of Information and Media and Chief Government Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa may need to take interest in matters below;

1. Archbishop of Lusaka, Archbishop Alick Banda called a Lucifer by UPND Secretary General, Batuke Imenda. This because Archbishop Alick Banda protected his priests that had spoken against government and also called President Hichilema, a liar , for failing to fulfil his promises. No action has ever been talen against Imenda.

When the Police refused to attend to complaints against Imenda, efforts were made to prosecute him privately.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Gilbert Phiri, refused to grant Consent for a private prosecution of Imenda.

2. Apostle Dan Pule, was arrested shortly after his Church Dunamis International Centre, hosted United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) Leaders including former President, Edgar Lungu, for a Day of National Prayer.

3. Pastor Duncan Daniel Simuchimba of Kitwe arrested on flimsy allegations that he was inciting the people, when spoke for marketeers.The Kings Church Overseer, spoke for over 200 shop owners whose shops were  earmarked for demolition.  Pastor Simuchimba accused Kitwe City Council, led by District Commissioner Lawrence Mwanza, of attempting to seize the shops under the guise of demolition. However, the council claims the shops intentended for demolition impede the construction of a shelter at the Green Market and lack proper sanitation. The DC unleashed the Police to arrest Pastor Simuchimba accusing him of being the ringleader of protectors.

4. On April 7th, 2024, the Zambia Police issued a call-out for the arrest of Father Chewe Mukosa. The notice was signed by Detective Inspector, P. Chisala, the demanding that Father Chewe Mukosa reports himself to Investigations Office Room 55 at Copperbelt Division Headquarters in Ndola.

5.Lusaka’s Chawama Catholic Church Parish Priest Fr. Anthony Kapambwe Salangeta, was harassed by various leaders including President Hakainde Hichilema,for saying Graphs don’t matter,but its Nshima (Ulutoshi) that matters.

Earlier, President Hichilema had held a press conference heavily supported by misleading statistics and graphs, to demonstrate that the economy under his government, was far better than that of any previous governments.

The press conference drew comments of shock, ridicule and drama because of the delusional display of lack of reality when Zambians were experiencing the worst cost of living, disease burden and poverty under Hichilema. This is what attracted the comments of Father Salangeta.

6. A horde of Police officers stormed the office of Catholic Bishop, Clement Mulenga of Kabwe Diocese, while he was hosting former President, Edgar Lungu, for a courtesy call. The Police officers demanded to fish-out Lungu or be present through-out the courtesy proceedings.


  1. Mwamba ambassador of lies. Seeking to spin an issue isnt not what was.
    This entire article is being spun in response to the UN allegation. Why was the UN Rapporte not specific in citing the clergy that they were referring to? Why are you being their mouth piece? Is the UN captured by PF?
    Mwamba at the rate you are going you are going to lead the country ablaze. Daily you come here and make statements, all these are sedicious in nature. What is you intent? Bottom line, what is you real intent?
    All these people that you suggest, when they used the pulpit. Was that their place to make those statements? Was that their calling? Pule is he not a leader of a Political party? Then why make politcal statements on the pulpit?
    Is that the appropriate place to make political statements?
    There should be a line between the sanctity of the pulpit and our earthly activities. Jesus made that clear when he whipped and chastised those that traded in the church.
    Lets not use and belittle salvation with political masinations. Stop murkying the waters. God is God. Want to politik go out into the world and do your politics. As for the clergy, stop speaking on issues that is not your calling. You say you speak for the poor but fornicate and break homes. Will you say that is your calling? You took a vow of chastity but want to make excuses for breaking that vow. In failing, resign your “cloth” as Bwalya has clearly put his position to us, instead of “eating with both hands”. You cheat no one but yourselves. God knows where and what your heart stands for. The pulpit is for you to abuse or politik. The confessional box is where you listen to confession, not the vestry. Vestries are for church business not for politicians to come and air the political grevances.

  2. Mwamba,lies technocrat, the Lucifa talk was not gotten correctly what the SG said and meaning was construed by you.When someone likens your actions to something it doesn’t mean you are something.The subject is actions.Therefor, the blamed actions were likened to Lucifer and not an individual as Lucifer.”Muzi mvela chizungu bane” don’t be making your own fake interpretations.And since when did the clergy develop an immunity from prosecution when they break the law.The police can arrest anybody who causes anarchy.You are even tabulating how many times the clergy offended Zambians.

    • Infact the government of Zambia should emulate Ruwanda. Paul Kagame has not jokes with such clergymen who stand on pulpit and start preaching RUBBISH about his administration. By last month he had closed over 800 Churches that weren’t complying with tax.

  3. Infact this Mwamba has stated all the wrongs which the Clergymen did for them to be summoned. So, it is not even harassment but interrogation because these men of God were misleading the Nation instead of being GOOD shepherds. Can any normal Person regard Danny Pule Church gathering as God’s service or political? Yes who ever this Mwamba is has actually narrated what controversies the Clergymen did to attract the law keepers.
    Next time the UN should investigate on there own than relying on the reports from the Opposition. Definitely the OPPOSITION is always saying the OPPOSITE.

  4. Mwamba is not a spokesperson for the Clergy, the Clergy can speak for themselves, if it’s fighting, the God they serve should fight for them. Have you not read what Christ told his disciples? He said, a servant is never greater than his Master, if they can do this to me whom you call your Master, what more to you? they will also do it to you.
    Stop fighting for the Clergy, they will fight for themselves and their God they serve will fight for them. God does not depend on man like you, he depends on himself. If the Jews could call Christ the Beelzebub, the prince of demons, who is Bishop Alick Banda? Is he above Christ? No. Your politicking is not helping us at all, just stop it.

  5. Don’t know about the rest but for alick banda everybody knows he is just a PF cadre using the church to the advantage of his party PF. Dan pule is not a man of God but an opposition member and surrogate of PF.


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