
Today is Sunday and I would like to tell the truth that I know. Hon Sylvia Masebo is one politician whose strength and sometimes ends up being her weakness is that she is too straight and a “no nonsense” type of person . A typical Iron Lady like Margaret Thatcher. I actually don’t rule out that she could rule Zambia one day. Firstly, she is extremely loyal to whoever her master of the day is or whoever she chooses to support be it politically or otherwise. She does not double cross loyalty.

If one had to ask the late Levy Mwanawasa, late Michael Sata, President HH and to some minor extent Miles Sampa, Hon Masebo works extremely hard to make a King. Then when she does succeed , she will again work extremely hard to make the King shine.

That’s what is going on now. Hon Masebo worked tirelessly for 7 years just to ensure HH makes it to the State House “hoffice”. In the quest in between, she had to sacrifice and lose her own Chongwe seat in 2016 but regained it landslide in 2021 as she propelled HH in the soli and lenje land.

HH gave her Health Ministry to sort out but it has been a bedrock of successful grand corruption candles from one government to another. That’s where mafias of mafias operate to steal state resources. It’s worse of than the Ministry of Agriculture where everyone and all tenders are not under the Ministers or the President, but tender mafias. Step on one and you get sacrificed as Minister. They pay big into the ‘system’ to engineer a non cooperating Minister’s firing. If the President is not dancing to their tune, then they invest big in the long term to remove that President.

Well, my take is that Hon Masebo has taken the fight-in against the mafias that have been holding our Health Ministry hostage for years to stop corruption and loss or abuse of public resources. In the recent case, 62 containers of medicine were hijacked away from sick patients countrywide. Instead of us honoring Hon Masebo for bursting the rot, the mafias have financed a paradigm or narrative shift that she must be nailed to the cross.

I fight corruption and very clear not to fall into the sponsored arena of fighting Whistleblowers or those against corruption.

The Health Ministry has drained Minister Masebo both physically, emotionally and mentally. She is however doing the right thing and what she needs is support from all well meaning Zambians and not painting her black for the grade corruption scandal that she has uncovered. Zambia needs more of Sylvia Masebos if ever the fight against corruption has to be won at the two notorious ministries namely Health(ZAMMSA) and Agriculture (FISP).     

The choice Zambia has is between her and the tender or supply mafias’ capture of the Ministry of Health. Only she is brave enough so sort them out otherwise corruption will be at the Ministry to stay forever.

Miles B. Sampa
Patriotic Front President & APNAC Chairman
Sunday July 20th, 2024


  1. She is a strong lady. And I am sure because people are unrepentant and don’t want to do away with their old bad ways. With this evil acts. You will see, heads will roll. She is going to sternly deal with the culprits of course following the law. And this one will be easy for her because, medicines are essential commodities that patients need in our health facilities- all of us and our brethren in hospitals will always require to sustain their lives but someone who has been given this responsibility, to choose or decided too divert the commodities to other private place and remains quite while patients and the country are in need of such an asset, is a deadly crime to say but the least. That is murder. On that one alone I don’t know the usual LUNGU PF the likes of Mundubile, kafwaya, Kapyongo, Binwell Mpundu, Chitotela and Munir Zulu will again say to support them including Nakacinda and Freddie Mmembe.

    Definitely, because it is their baby they will talk and defend their evil planted agents. But things will not be easy included the ones they have managed to stain in the New Dawn, they will definitely regret.

      • Ellion you are shameful and despicable, your male chauvinism is very shameful. How can you degrade our mother like that, even if you may be hiding your identity on this Platform. Mrs. Masebo, for all I can guess, may even be a grand mother, how can you post such nonsense about her? Not fit to be a man or woman, maybe you should be transgender, nasheni Ibange Mulumendo!!!

  2. We have read in Diggers that the suspended MD at ZAMMSA was aware of the 62 containers which were parked at a private warehouse by the transporter due to lack of space and funding or whatever nonsense. The guy should be fired. The Hon. Minister of Health was not aware and had to call a meeting of donors to calm the situation. So, who is this guy to hide medicines and later we understand that the same medicines were about to be sold to Government?! That is grand corruption.

  3. May God give more eyes to HH so he can identify many more Maseboz in the country and place them in all key areas.
    God bless and give more good health to the minister, the president and even more also to you Hon Sampa.

    • Observer stupid idiot PF loser! You must be one of the dangerous Mafias fighting Hon. Masebo. Zambia is not your mother’s country. Like it or not Hon. Masebo is a perfect Team Player and Out put driver. Stop submitting PF crap here!

  4. Like her or hate her, Masebo is a performer. She is a fearless patriot hence highly appreciated by any regime that she associates with. Little wonder she has been a minister in two previous regimes, namely MMD and PF.

  5. When an innocent person is being attacked without sensible facts, while ignoring the very crime exposed.

    It only confrims that crooks have been hit hard and want to divert attention from what really matters.

    Obviously, it appears if the Minister did not expose this crime all other calls for her removal would have been silent by now and this crime would have been hidden.

    Unreasonable insinuations should not be tolerated. At least in this instance the fight against a few thugs has been won. And it is important the Minister stays right where she is. It is making the guilty fear for their ill gained wealth.

    Well done Honorable keep on with the fight against corruption. We want more to be found out and handed over to the law enforcement agencies.

  6. Kilometers there is no way theft of medicine taking place and the minister has no idea. That means either she was too incompetent not knowing what is going on under her nose or she was also involved thereby just ignoring the signs. Either way she should have been fired. This is the same person who bought those council hearse during the time she was in MMD local government ministry at an inflated price of $29000 each instead of the quoted price of $9000 each. She is as tainted as they come.

    • Razor stop using your behind to reason! Hon. Masebo is a human being that she can’t be found everywhere. In any case why did ZAMMSA boss inform the Minister where the 61 Containers were kept iwe? Even in your own ka house you don’t know where some items are stored.


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