MY name is Emily Mweemba ,I am 33 years old and I live in Nangoma District.

I was once happily married and God blessed me with two lovely sons.

I am a widow who lost her husband to cancer two years ago.

Life became hard after I lost my husband,I started facing challenges in all areas of my life.
I started to survive through handouts from well wishers.

Despite of the financial problems I was facing in life I vowed to educate my two children that is why every school holidays I would send them to their uncles and aunties from their father’s side of the family in Lusaka and after the school holidays,they would come back home with new school uniforms,books ,shoes and school fees etc.

This strategy really worked and my children never lacked anything to do with school.

Last month in August,2022 I organized some transport money and sent my children for school holidays at their uncle’s house in Lusaka’s Kanyama Area. One of the cousins was going to Lusaka for business so I asked her to go with my sons.

My sons returned from Lusaka on 29th August,2022.

I was very happy when I saw my sons who were both looking healthy and dressed in nice new clothes.I even asked a neighbour’s son to take photos of my sons.

The photos you are seeing were taken just a few minutes after my sons returned from Lusaka.

Later that afternoon,my sons went to play with their friends.

Then around 17:00 hours my youngest son,Evans, returned home and complained that he was feeling hot. He then asked me to prepare cold water for bathing.

Then around 19:00 hours he started fitting from nowhere.
We quickly rushed him to the hospital but sadly died on the way.

The next day my other son Emmanuel also collapsed at home in the kitchen and also died just that like that.

I lost my sons in the space of 24 hours. I am shocked and I don’t understand what is happening.

Source: Mwebantu Trendsetters


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