Heriot-Watt University should have sent a Researcher to Zambia- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Heriot-Watt University should have sent a Researcher to Zambia

Prof. Richard A Williams is Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University says President Hakainde Hichilema has been awarded the honorary doctorate because;

1. He has fought for Democracy in Zambia,
2. Introduced free education that has benefitted 1.6million young people,
3. He has recruited 39,000 teachers
4. Recruited 11,000 health workers,
5. Increased CDF by 1,800%.

Since Heriot-Watt University is a public research university based in Edinburgh, Scotland, it should have sent a researcher who would have quickly determined that:

1. President Hichilema has severely shrunk the democratic space in Zambia.

2. That he is abusing the Constitution,has undermined and continues to undermine the autonomy of democratic institutions and has shredded the principle and integrity of separation of powers.

3. Has literally collapsed the economy with his pro-business and pro-foreign policies.

4. That he continues to torture, brutalise, abuse and harrass his political opponents.

5. Zambia is facing famine.

6. Zambia is experiencing the worst loadshedding and power cuts.

7. He is giving away national assets, land, mines, companies.

If they sent a researcher to Zambia, probably this honorary award would have been withdrawn.

Olo balande fye ati twamupela, mwaice wesu, mwana wakwa Adam Smith, Scottish philosopher and father of free trade and capitalism and not glorify the lies Prof. Williams read.


  1. Sure Ba Pf muli bafiko. You’re cursed moreover you wanted to turn this country into a swimming pool for you to start playing. Your evil jealous will completely finish you, because this country doesn’t belong to you.
    Let HH rule this country like you did. Your time has completely gone and it will never come. Your clear behaviour has shown most of Zambian that you have nothing to offer apart from bringing and promoting confusion in this country just to relief the huge loss that you experienced in 2021.

  2. So according to this PF clown HH is to blame even for the acts of God? It is a tragedy to share a country with such jealous people. On the whole, hearty congratulations to the president on this worthy recognition by a world class university.

  3. Just sit down imwe yama …. you have nothing to show except rich slay queens, you are all clowns. You gassed your own people meanwhile you call that clown Dr, ECL. Shame! HH has transformed the education sector in 2 years, meanwhile imwe 10 years and a mountain of debt. He has restructured your debt of those cheap roads and building you gave zambia. You even lie using a fake Prof. Lumumba story about HH.

  4. BaBwamba, the type of hatred you are exhibiting is like when a person drinks poison in the hope that his enemy will die. Good luck with your misadventure.

  5. Congratulations Dr. President on your achievements as a servant of the people of Zambia. We on the kopala are proud of you in particular the people of Luanshya.
    UPND- Dist.IPS

  6. DR HH. Congratulations sir. Doc leave to them and their jealous chibanyonge. History has turned and the president of Zambia is His Excellency Doctor Hakainde Hichilema.

  7. Mr Mwamba do you think the people giving this
    Honour did it with out research? They know
    What is happening world over.I understand
    Your feeling as you are from the opposition.

  8. Even during colonialism, Tongas were useful fools for colonialists because they are subservient by nature to musungus. He is afraid of the opposition parties holding rallies to talk about mining subsidies but trusts Americans to establish a military office in Zambia. He giving billions of dollars to musungus via mining subsidies free in exchange for chasing loans from them.

    • Really? And you actually sat down and thought about this statement that you have written?
      Lord have mercy on you and your household that has to bear this kind of outlook to life and thought process

  9. I think its not Mwamba but just someone trying to joke using Mwamba’s name. But if it’s Mwamba, aaaaah then we really have fools out there.
    The country would have been on fire by now if such fools ruled the country till now. Am saying if its Mwamba!

  10. Mwamba has a troubled mind.Is he a proper Zambian?But even if he may be Zambian by birth his behaviour is very strange.”KANONGA EBO or KANONGA NIBO syndrome”.Jealous of the waste kind.The constitution of Zambia is not knew and it is not President Hi hilema’s own craft made but he found it.You created these laws yourselves to pin down HH and his people.You were advised by opposition and independent MPs in parliament and you took advantage of numbers and you liked the laws in affirmative, you break the laws you created with impunity in disguise of freedom of speech you think you can’t be punished.Your PF govt goat loans carelessly and misused the money spent it lavishly on useless things the roads were incomplete and left with pot holes due to poor workmanship.Your PF did not only torture, brutalise,harrass but killed innocent people like Counsel Nsama Nsama and many to mention.At your age and free education you got up to now you don’t understand climate change and it’s effects and you want to blame govt,famine and load shading or power cuts are due to low level of water in Kariba dam.You want to be reminded that we had insufficient rains in the last rain season.The rain was very poor.With vast communication and technology you wanted researchers to come to Zambia to understand what the country has achieved through UPND able leadership.This is strange really.

  11. Mwamba thinks he is very intelligent and knows a lot on almost every issue that happens and yet he he is very dull and knows very little on nothing. You don’t need any research on visible things, for example, if the temperature is 30 degrees, what research do you need there. All these achievements for HH are visible achievements and they don’t need any research at all. Moreover these countries and institutions have their people in the country and are up to date with whatever is happening. Mr. Mwamba speaks as if he was not an ambassador. There is nothing that he knows about HH which Herriot-Watt University doesn’t know.

  12. Aiikona man. HH laughed at Lungu when he was conferred with a Doctorate together with Munagagwa. He teased then to go back to University and sweat for their Doctorates. Inferiority complex as usual, ine niza tenga yabazungu. Go to school and enroll as a Doctoral student and acquire it genuinely conman..

  13. The problem with the current opposition parties is that they think democracy mean allowing them to do whatever they want even if it is against the law.
    News flash, democracy means laws have to be followed to the later regardless of who is involved even if the laws are bad. Allowing people to break the law with impunity just because they are opposition would mean complete chaos for the country.


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