HH DISAPPOINTING- Choolwe Muzyamba



By Choolwe Muzyamba

The HH we saw today is different from the HH who spoke to us on 15th Aug 2021, and that is concerning.

Given the increasing desperation and rise in poverty, HH had an opportunity to instill confidence, a sense of unity and hope in the country. He could have done so with a clear step-by-step content-rich vision of how to get out of this ‘sinking ship’. What we saw however was a very angry and unaccountable president, obsessed with self-praise and his own ego, full of excuses and one who is out there to ‘bite’ his PERSONAL enemies.

He defended and exonerated his minister widely thought to have been captured collecting a bribe, and HH did so without any formal investigation, just a phone call between the two of them was enough. HH is also championing arrest of those who insult him by using colonial undemocratic laws that stifle free speech in what is supposed to be a democratic country.

Half of the speech was about his personal enemies who he wants arrested because they insulted him or lied about him.. instead of outlining a plan to END the suffering of our poor.. Mwanawasa was ‘cabbage’ and RB ‘nyamasoya’.. they just laughed with all of us but never threatened no one.. “I am stake, not cabbage” Mwanawasa retorted. Either you are democrat or you are not!!!

Everything going wrong is Lungu’s fault, Ukraine, Nakachinda or anything or anyone in close proximate he can lay blame on. Like kids, he is reminding us daily of how bad Lungu was. He is insulting our collective intelligence here.

He must outline solutions and if he has failed to do so, let him tell us. Na caala badaala amu twambile weh!!!!

The only good thing out of this is that we do not have the PF thugs in power, but again that is not HH’s achievement, it is the people’s achievement and any donkey could have been better than those thugs. Being better than PF is not an achievement sir!! Don’t even brag about it!!

Your inaugural speech was measured, uniting, sober and hope-instilling. We miss that HH, not this one who spoke today. This was a sad, angry, self-praising, content-lacking and hopeless speech. This is worrying


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