COME hell or high waters, elections will be held in August 2026 and there is no lacuna that can prevent this from happening, says Constitutional lawyer John Sangwa.

And Sangwa says Zambians should not take anything President Hakainde Hichilema says about the Constitution seriously because there is no LLB attached to his name for him to interpret the law.

He says the President is free to imagine whatever problems he sees in the Constitution but they should remain in his own head.

Meanwhile, Sangwa has insisted that the current constitution is the best which Zambia has ever had, observing that President Hichilema is scared of the 2026 general elections.


  1. You’re the one that is dreaming. You never talk truthfully. Aren’t you the same nshangwa that was talking about the same lacunae in 2016?You only believe in your own flip flops.

  2. Sangwa, full of himself. Very disgusting and if you take a simplistic approach, you’ll think these are the learned worth their salt. Kulibe, nothing, take basa.

  3. What is wrong with this Sangwa?? Do you think all Zambians dont read and understand their own national constitution?? Who told you that the Zambian constitution is only for those who have an LLB?? You are now irritating many people and you are luck I am not one of those who uses insults when bigotry is at play from people like you!!1

  4. This man Sangwa has become uselsess to this country. He is inky useful when advising those that got stolen motor vehicles from ZRA illegally

  5. Sangwa used to be a very powerful name in the olden days but not anymore. It’s like the gentleman has become an expert in hallucinating. There is no consistence in him at all, tomorrow or after tomorrow he can say something which totally the opposite of what he is saying today.

  6. If Mr. Sangwa is the best in law, how is it that he lost the eligibility case he took to court against the former president ECL just before the 2021 general elections? Also, isn’t he the same man who had to apologize to the supreme court judges after he made some contemptious remarks against them? Let something be clear here, elections shall be held in 2026 without a doubt but we have to be mindful that the constitution in it’s current form has loopholes which will need to be fixed as soon as possible, otherwise, we will cry when someone abuse it the future and we should not complain when that happens. And to say our constitution is best is something no can say because nothing is perfect and that why it gets amended every now and then and this will continue because things change.

  7. Did HH say elections will not be held?
    Please, go back replay what was said.
    Sangwa should be above board, but now the political diarrhea seems to have caught him after he indicated his intentions to form a political party.
    Sober up, Sangwa, sober up faza.

  8. So what that the president does not have an LLB?
    One does not need to have LLB after their name to understand the law
    One thing the president does have and Sangwa does not, is intelligence and common sense.
    The problem with many Africans and Zambians like Sangwa is they think because they have passed a few examinations (sometimes by unscrupulous means), they can flash those qualifications and that make them clever.
    I have read the part of the constitution that the president is referring to and seen the practice of individuals registering to take part in elections, then withdrawing and the process has to start all over again and election dates(s) have to be changed. Surely Sangwa must be aware that this could happen during a presidential election, if he is he not he must be more dumb and ignorant than I though.
    What everyone has to realise is that Sangwa is pathetic, hifalutin and prejudicial individual who thinks he know it all.

  9. Correct , State Counsel. This is the best Constitution Zambia has ever had. Hakainde shouldn’t be allowed to change even a comma, Semi colon or full stop in our constitution. He has been probbing looking for a gate pass to enter the document …and he is now very desperate. All the clauses were put in the constitution for a reason.
    If the playing field is uneven; if am not allowed to campaign all over Zambia; if there is Violence against me and my members ; if I don’t have access to state media ; If there’s no Transparency in the Electoral system; If there’s evidence of Corruption and ECZ is looking away ; If my hands and legs are tied , encumbrances all over…or if am dead , then it’s not an election. This beautiful clause is meant to provide for free and fair elections. Times for the incumbent to abuse state machinery to win General Elections are over.I should be allowed to freely campaign in Bweengwa, Monze, Dundumwezi, Mongu , Solwezi Chinsali and Mwansabombwe.
    It’s good legal minds are offering opinions on this issue …There is no Lacuna bwana Hakainde. Do the right thing sir… No sham elections as we saw in Kabwata, Kabushi and Kwacha…or what we have been seeing in Ward Bye Elections. Provide for a free and fair Electoral Process, Transparent and Violence free, and all will be great in 2026.

    • I feel sorry for you because you will be crying after 2026 and you wish you had listened to his president HH’s advise to close any loophole in the constitution which can be abused. Watch the space.

      • @ Straight forward
        I have looked at this beautiful clause 52 with an open mind.. I do the same with all the clauses in the 2016 Amended Constitutional..I have the actual draft which was presented to ECL. with beautiful economic and social rights which Hakainde rejected in the referendum. I personally also rejected the expanded 305 members of Parliament, proportional representation, and provincial assemblies. Was on the same page with the Technical committee.
        I have also traced this beautiful clause 52 all the way back to the 3rd Republic 1991 Constitution. Then I did a critique of this clause… looking at the demerits and merits objectively.
        I reached the conclusion that the people who have been making this submission in all the past review commissions were wise..and thankfully the technical committee included it in our constitution.
        On the surface it may look problematic, but when you objectively analyze it, you discover that it’s meant to protect our democracy. It guarantees free and fair elections. ECZ will wake up.

        • I hope you will still call the clause in question beautiful when someone abuse it in the future. All I can say for now is keep this conversation.

    • Hallucinating Hypocrite too much idiocy in your borrowed stinking PF comment. Zambia simunda wa Edgar Lungu iwe. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good.

  10. It is always priests and reverends from a certain region who attack the President (HH). The past two days has been the turn of lawyers from the same region mounting attack after attack on the President. They are really very bitter that one of their own is not the president. We witnessed similar bitterness from the same people during President Mwanawasa’s reign. Shameless tribalists!

    • Sharp Shooter, you are equally a tribalist. Just present your case without bringing in region or tribe.

      Does it mean you are defending the President’s assertion because you come from the same tribe or region?

  11. As the learned gentleman has stated that HH does not have an LLB after his name to INTERPRET the constitution then in his interpretation it means that only.LLB knowledge is capable of knowing how to interpret the the constitution.Sir.if this is your assertion then one would expect that all with LLB after theit name would always agree.
    Interpretation is a decision arrived at by individuals assessing the presented data.If that is the case ss you state then why have a panel of judges if LLB is the criteria, according to you they shoukf all arrive at the samr decision because of LLB after their name.Sir, why is your interpretation correct when others are not.Am sure you will educate us without LLB after nour names.Oh why wasn’t there a unanimous decision with regards to the eligibility of ECL to run for a third time,, interpretation is obviously a personal understanding, is you interpretation correct or may a constitutional court judge differ with you.
    Just s thought

  12. What happens is long after nominations but just before elections, a presidential candidate pulls out, does that not cause fresh nominations and how long after pulling out should fresh nominations and elections take place?, and if it happens again would this not be a problem of delayed elections

  13. This man has now lost his credibility. Like Lucifer who was a shining star but because of pride he was thrown away from heaven now or then his going to and from rooming around the earth without having a permanrnt place. The trie story in Job chapter 1 and 2 verses 1 in both chapters going downwards so is Sangwa who was a renown and admired lawyer now has been misplaced in the head because of politics, the love of money and dreaming of power.

    Mr Sangwa the SC who was interpreting the eligibility issue and the holding of office including being sworn in twice and term of office which was and still is confusing vut today is something else.

    Surely! verily verily Zambia is lucky and blessed to have President HAKAINDE Hichilema in Office today so that the crooks, greedy and double tongued people some who were respected do behave when they want something.

    Sangwa was one of president HAKAINDE Hichilema’s lawyers during the 2016 presidential elections. Talking of the 14 days presidential petition case in 2016 , i want him to help some of us what the outcome of the judgement was or a copy of judgement. If not then he should also help us why judgement was not passed or when judgement will be and when.

    Additionally, what could happen especially when for example the election of 2015 pr ist 2016 when we had 20 presidential candidates which included Kalabi or which kalabi participated and rumours were that he was bought and almost resigned to delay and postpone elections included, were others in a line.

    Chameleon is one reptile or animal ( chizungu) that changes colours and people know it just like that and wouldn’t know when it can or could change colours to suite itself. SC plus Lingisani Zulu.

    Mayo Zambia!

  14. The President does not need to have LLB attached to his name to express dissatisfaction with potential problems related to how some provisions in the constitution have been crafted. Remember also that the President has legal advisors who are qualified and experienced lawyers.

  15. This SUV Sangwa used to be useful and upright lawyer I don’t know what ECL did to him. That’s how Banda was upright, suddenly he openly started praising ECL and right on his tail. What did we see…a Hilux. I cam rule out this gesture being extended to Sangwa in another form. Because SC Sangwa was very categorical over eligibility of ECL in 2020-21 that he had already served twice now same Sangwa says the opposite summersaulting with law jargon to cushion ECL on eligibility.
    The fact is our lawyers are not principled they float and drift. Anyway, that’s what they learn at law school… summersaulting to confuse those who don’t have LLB attached to their names. But alas not these lawyers in Zambia.

  16. I was forced to read the Law this night . It does not require LLB to read that part of the Kaw. I think the President of Zambia was correct. If a candidate resigns before Election in August and the ECZ conducts fresh nomination which month will come after 30 Days. I asked this question to my 4 years old boy he said September. So you who have LLB after yours names do not understand that. Then we have a problem as country. But

  17. Tu Zambezi think that there r short-cuts in life were one gifts himself free 8 or 9 years of no elections. Yo friends tried bill 10, it failed. Yo lacunas will fail. Yo tifyanta, will fail. Yo mingalato, will fail. Zambians will prevail in the end.

    • P*nyo pako Iwe.Tribalist and pf at heart.Lungu is not coming back keep on dreaming.Zambezi yapa T*ko pako.We believe in unity and tranquility not name calling bakawalala imwe

  18. There are no angels on this earth. If you think there’s one then you call God a liar. We are human beings bound to error or sin.
    It is time everyone should accept. No perfect personal on earth. If u believe that you will live a pressure free life.

  19. If only those with LLB to their names can interpret our constitution correct, how did adada ECL (LLB) mislead his ministers to continue eating public money after parliament was dissolved in 2016? Ba Sangwa muleicefyako. That is arrogance.

  20. Though learned you must be able to use some non demining language especially when addressing the head of state. We really look up to you.

  21. Now i understand that being in opposition is quite confusing that one can oppose anything.
    Things that even me who doesn’t
    understand the law can see something wrong on the constitution that allows cancellation of the election of one candidate decides to withdraw the election.
    But why supporting such things that are clearly waste of time

  22. It is NOT the job of the Lawyer to amend the Constitution. It is rather the duty of Zambians to amend the constitution as they wish it to be through a referendum of yes or no.
    The job of a Lawyer no matter how the constitution is written is to interpret to make sense within the normal human intercourse.
    We do not NEED to ask a Lawyer to amend our constitution. It is the referendum we need as Zambians.

  23. I think Mr. Sangwa is becoming arrogant. Even qualified lawyers can make mistakes, including Mr. Sangwa himself. Having LLb after your name doesnot guarantee infallibility.

    The President didnot in any way state that he is going to use the gaps in the constitution to postpone the 2026 elections. Rather, he is asking us to be proactive and correct the gaps in our constitution to avoid unscrupulous leaders taking advantage in the future.

    If he was intent on taking advantage he would not have sounded the alarm.

  24. [52 (6) Where a candidate dies, resigns or becomes disqualified in
    accordance with Article 70, 100 or 153 or a court disqualifies a
    candidate for corruption or malpractice, after the close of
    nominations and before the election date, the Electoral Commission
    shall cancel the election and require the filing of fresh nominations
    by eligible candidates and elections shall be held within thirty days
    of the filing of the fresh nominations]

  25. One could even ask why the resignation of one candidate should affect other candidates who were successfully nominated. Indeed in a multiparty system if one participating party forces its candidate to resign, why should other participating parties be punished with a cancellation and fresh nominations? Regarding deaths, perhaps there should be a requirement that all candidates should pass a public health check before being successfully nominated. Sneaking excuses for cancelling elections when our intention is to hold elections on a specified date is indeed lame duck mentality!!

    • It is actually the wicked who have fled the country – Kaizer Zulu (chief PF thug who beat up a police woman and misbehaved right in front of his President at an international football match), Chilufya Tayali (who indirectly caused the deaths of Joseph Kaunda and Nsama Nsama both of whom were shot by the Police) Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda (who urinated in a journalist’s mouth and almost had him set alight). All ran away from justice.


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