EDITH Nawakwi, the leader of the opposition Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) has urged Zambians to “thumbs down” Hakainde Hichilema of UPND due to his neglect of Zambians, hundreds of whom have died.

Ms Nawakwi, a former Minister of Finance said she is in possession of intel that shows that some companies Mr Hichilema holds majority shares in are responsible for the “needless” deaths of many pensioners from companies such as BP and KCM whom Hichilema has wantonly refused to pay even on their death beds.

“Pensioners have died while waiting for companies Hichilema heads such as Surtnia Regina, Africa Life and Sanlam,” Ms Nawakwi said in an address recorded live on her page in Lusaka.

“If he cant pay simple security guards and retired miners now when he is ab ordinary citizen,” Nawakwi said, “what do you think he will do with these levels of arrogance and callousness as President?”

Nawakwi said Hichilema has already promised to hurt the Zambian civil service publicly via measures below:

“He will scrap 50 percent of civil service jobs, police, teachers, nurses etc which President Lungu wants to increase,” Nawakwi said, “he has also promised to cut down by 50 percent civil servants salaries…is that the kind of President you want? I would rather stick with President Lungu who has a heart for the people.”

Ms Nawakwi said as a former Finance Minister, she knows where Hichilema´s “political bodies are buried” including the various deals he has signed to “auction to foreign interests especially from South Africa.

The companies Mr Hichilema sits on as a major shareholder such as African Life, Surtnia Regina and Sanlam control a more than 60 percent stake in Zambian pension funds.

Hundreds of Zambian pensioners have died on the que while waiting to be paid by Hichilema who has made a pile of money inked in their blood.

Ms Nawakwi is one of the few brave Zambians that have dared call Hichilema´s bluff, as he promises to “fix” the Zambian economy he has helped wreck.
Hichilema was not available to comment yesterday, as more pensioners die on his watch.

“This is not politics this is life and death and Hichilema has deny this today,” Nawakwi challenged.

Nawakwi has joined several opposition leaders that are openly backing President Lungu ahead of the 12th August poll that has attracted about 19 candidates including President Lungu.


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