Dr. Fred M'membe


The opposition leaders, with the great love and patriotism they have for Zambia, met and addressed key issues the country is faced with and proposed a way forward.

But what did Mr Hakainde Hichilema through his newly installed mouthpiece, vuvuzela, Mr Cornelius Mweetwa do? They handled a serious national matter with infantile disorder and without regard to the issues raised.

Mr Hichilema, through Mr Mweetwa, reduced all the sensible and pressing concerns plus the hard effort put together by the opposition, with a response characteristic of or befitting an infant.

And going by the regular standards of ignorant, poorly researched and often contradictory press emanating from the Ministry of Information lately, it seems this is the adopted style of governance by Mr Hichilema and his corrupt puppet regime.

But this too shall fail. It will backfire and become a huge political and administrative disaster. To think that Mr Mweetwa’s regular infantile tantrums and delusional views will make a difference or make this regime acceptable in the eyes of the citizens is another sign of how much of a failure this untried and untested regime led by Mr Hichilema is.

In case they don’t know, the Zambians are already aware that it’s the responsibility of politicians, especially those in government, to run the country, manage foreign affairs, provide security, as well as a credible legal system. So these constant blame games and rants about the opposition as if they’re the ones in the driving seat are just annoying people and raising the temperatures even more.

What this country faces today is a crisis. And the attitude of the political leadership, especially those in government, should be based on empathy, compassion, respect and a general realisation that there is no future for them aside practical solutions to the poverty and squalor facing the people today.

Mr Hichilema and his minions must realise and acknowledge the deep divisions between themselves and the people. Their arrogance, pomposity and reckless bravado are all breeding nothing but paranoia, uncertainty and fear in the masses.

This country is in a cash crunch. The politics of the ruling elite are also in total collision with the suffering majority of our people, and the best response this government can give to these hair raising concerns is a defiant and combative response. What type of recklessness is this?

Why does Mr Hichilema always miss moments? Why is it that every time wrongs about his regime are highlighted, he quickly retreats into a cell or cocoon of insecurity? Why doesn’t he seize the opportunity and make significant changes to calm the situation?

We would like to strongly advise Mr Hichilema that Zambia’s unique economic and political problems will not be solved by people who don’t understand nor care about the future of our country and it’s people.

What we need now is a unified and increased citizen and opposition political party participation in the affairs of the country before we drift into deep poverty and desperation.

Let them not cheat or comfort themselves, the reality on the ground is that the current hunger or economic hardship in general, is slowly becoming a national security issue.

There is tension in the country, the ground is boiling and an infantile, arrogant and combative attitude towards the people is not the best way to deal with the situation.

It is time for a sober, rational, honest and mature leadership.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


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