Hon. Munir Zulu accuses Sampa of practicing homosexuality


Hon. Munir Zulu MP
Ba Sampa good morning? The boys you sent to pose for pics in lumezi at a boarding school poster have made a video but equally educate them that I am not like you who does not know who their father is?

Educate them that I am not your fellow junkie, Educate them that I have never been a suspected ruth mbandu killer by citizens at any given moment! Educate them that I have never sold property to survive like you did.

Educate them that Lumezi does not practice homosexuality like you do and pretend to be married! Educate them that they should not wait for me to be outside Zambian jurisdiction for them to make videos ! Educate them that junkies have no space in the modern Lumezi.

Finally tell them to limit their opinion to your fellow junkies where you are suspected killers of women and develop memory lapses as a result of not sleeping comfortably as you are haunted by your previous suspicion.
I remain MZ


  1. What an Mp without decorum! So shameful to call him an MP. How can a country develop with such a poor quality of leaders? This scared little rat is an embarrassment to our country and people of Milanzi!

  2. Is guy a street boy or an MP? I pity people from the constituence he represents. Very childish, immature and mannerless. Shame.


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