How Did Makebi Zulu’s Young Brother Caleb Get Police Recruitment? HH Must Clean Up Government- Chellah Tukuta


Chellah Tukuta writes;


This is Zulu a suspect and brother to Makebi Zulu. Zulu is linked to the killing of Guntila. Dear HH when people say clean up the system this is what we mean. How did this guy get Police recruitment? If investagations will show he killed Muleya it shows you HOW HEARTLESS THESE PEOPLE WERE AND YET YOU STILL HAVE THEM IN THE SYSTEM

So many newly appointed are trying but most are scared of being killed. PF recruited a lot of CORRUPT AND MONEY HUNGRY RELATIVES AND THESE ARE THE RESULTS

Mr President please please CLEAN UP THE SYSTEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE because those trying to fight corruption in their respective institutions will BE NO MORE


    • @Musonda, your question make me understand.

      Are you saying that anyone as long as they are PF connected and Zambian should be employed even when they commit criminal offences? If true these people killed that Guntila for what, they’re PF so it’s ok?

      Eh you PF people are not ashamed to show your colours ka?

    • Musonda you are a disgrace to the bemba tribe. Being bemba myself I am ashamed we have brainless chaps like you among us.

  1. Chellah Tukuta has crossed the line of decency. This is unnecessary. We have not yet seen the last police officer to commit a crime.

  2. Any Zambian has a right to be employed anywhere. If they commit a crime they must be taken to court and jailed accordingly. Do not criminalise people based on their tribe and political affiliation.

    • Do you well remember what that shameless Moureen Mabonga said few months ago?
      Something must be done. This has even dented Makebi Zulu being connected to those in the system. He could tell the relatives who are in the system to do what they are doing, him simply will stand to defend them and that is why UKA has been formed so that they fight the Leadership of the day. If you see what UKA team speaks of is not checks and balances but mai, mai, mai, scoundrels speeches.
      God help Zambians to reveal these thugs and their evil plans to be brought outside so that Zambians will know the evil intensions of this Team so called UKA alliance.

  3. The Police have to address the issue of bad eggs in their system.The idea of cleaning the service is not an easy one.The only thing to do is to offer the police some in-service workshops regularly so that they are reminded on the nature of their work and expectations.PF employed some police officers but it is not all of them who are bad.You can not talk of cleaning the service by suggesting firing or retiring some on national interest because we have seen a lot of civil servants who were retired unfairly on national interest.When government of MMD undertook the HIPIC program we could hear some boss saying now we shall be calling each other by our first names when we remove some.The police must come up with a proper code of conduct and build on ethics and clear way of collecting fire arms for officers on duty and stipulating time frame and recording time of returning ammunition with known serial numbers written in occurrence books.The individual behaviour is the one to blame in criminal acts and as such it may not be good to transfer other people’s misdemeanor or felonies to innocent fellow workmates or relatives.Young people must avoid being used by selfish individuals who would want to break the law.

  4. This is as to why Maureen Mabonga said they are many and if war came in we can wipe out others.
    Chella Tukuta has hit the nail on the head. Not only police but the whole entire system. If I remember, the IG (inspecter general)said that PF employed police who were not fit to be but thugs. Please this is an indicator of What PF is doing under cover. The most noise from those outside is the result of those thugs in the system. Please the well meaning Zambians who are genuine employed to serve Zambians be brave by bringing those thugs in uniform out.
    NB. This is the reason why ECL is boasting of because he is fed wrong information and they are a danger to Zambia.
    I strongly support what Chella Tukuta is saying.

  5. @Wapya Munzi.
    Am Bemba too and appreciative of Musonda’s comments.
    Caleb Zulu is a Zambian citizen, and the Police service saw that he was qualified to enter the service..He went for training and successfully graduated as a Police officer.
    Mr Chella Tukuta at this stage of investigations shouldn’t even parade photos of Caleb Zulu. Let the Police officially communicate to the country.
    Same for the civil servant Larry Mweetwa, who seems to be a god in the civil service…above the code of conduct..any way he is a sacred.. untouchable, and can do anything!

    • So you’re Bemba and like Musonda you appreciate were both sacred during PF reign is what you’re saying by referring to mweetwa being sacred now during UPND reign? Stop your pfidiocy!!!

  6. Caleb is a Zambian just like anyone else. The only problem is he fell prey to the temptations of money and other reasons we may not know. The weather is not quite good in the country if employment will scrutinized perceived enemies and friends. After 60 years of independence we’re still struggling to unite the country.


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