I am arrested by characters who are discriminative, prejudiced and selective in their so-called application of the law- Munir Zulu


FROM THE CELL, Lumezi Member of Parliament, Munir Zulu writes:-


1. I wish to borrow from Nelson Mandela’s prime defense principle during the famous Rivonia trial when he refused to be subjected to a kangaroo, corrupted, discriminative and prejudiced law enforcement and justice system of the evil Apartheid.

2..I am arrested by characters who are discriminative, prejudiced and selective in their so-called application of the law. And when I talk of characters, I talk about the very evil crude cowards who are giving orders to our men and women in uniform , but are hiding somewhere and protected by temporal power which is clearly everporating speedly currently.

3…It is very clear that under this current regime of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, what is considered wrong is based on whom such a wrong will affect. Those who come from the village or “accepted” villages to this administration can go on and mention tribes, issue others with banning orders not to step in their villages and regions without care of being visited by the Police. But those who are considered outcasts, and loathed by characters in this administration are hastily arrested when they defend themselves from the very tribal barking of elements in power or their cronies.

4….I reject these hate speech accusations and consider such opinions against my stance, equally prejudiced, corrupted and useless. Before you even consider what I say hate speech, what about what Bruce Kanema, Charles Milupi, Batuke Imenda and all other UPND and government official said? Herein lies why I am neither legally nor morally guilty to whatever they say I stand charged.

I remain


  1. This disgraceful and shameful young man should be taught a lesson that doing things carelessness has consequences. How many times has he made careless tribal remarks and nothing happened to him? Even before the 2021 elections he made a comment on live TV saying that Zambia can not be governed by a small tribe. If that is not tribal, then I don’t know what it is. And I also wonder how he ended up becoming an MP, where there no reasonable and mature people in Lumezi? Every time he opens his mouth, all one can hear from this man are illogical and immature statements.

  2. Don’t worry my dear the bible says “those who kill by the sword , will die by the sword . . . “! People in Upnd may think they are very clever now, but time will soon catch up with them. Without brave people like you this country would be worse off under this leadership. But we are praying to the Almighty God that this sorrowful period can pass quickly. And never again in this democratic country should we experience these undemocratic happenings!

  3. MZ, how are you this morning man.You younger parliamentarians are blessed to be where you are but you don’t want to accept this offer from god with respect.It is not easy to be MP in Zambia so when God has appointed you on a good position respect yourself,love your electorate and show respect.Dont forget that you are not only for Lumezi constituency but for the whole country.Your good contributions at the house are not only for Lumezi people but for Zambia.You must behave honorably.There are colleagues you should emulate like Hon Misheck Nyambose or Hon Wamunyima Imanga their conduct is just fantastic.Try to change your conduct Zambia needs you man.Regionalism sentiments can’t come from honourable member who should be held in highesteem.

  4. Munyo Zulu is a toxic tribalist. He’s made for himself an abhorrent stereotype which those close to him applauds and mistake for ‘bravity’ or ‘fearless’.
    The truth has come out for those who can read between the lines. The JJ scheme has backfired & everyone is now quite because they don’t know what to say including JJ himself. This was not part of the script FFF

  5. If this Zulu does not see or understand the wrong he has done then he is a real threat to the country. Whoever is spuring you on is using you and abusing your lack of understanding of your hate speach. The Bible also tells us that the tongue is the most poisonous thing in our body.

  6. True it is hard to have two sets of rules and laws that HH and his minions are applying today. It’s acceptable for people in UPND to to use the same comments or language that you are arresting and detaining people from the North or east.
    It’s legally acceptable to report hate speech to the police from Tongas to the police for the people from Eastern or Northern in Southern province and being arrested in provinces very far apart driven to southern province to face charges and detention away from their home or family.
    It is only Tonga who have sued Bembas or Easterners and this has been accepted the the corrupt hired judges and justices from southern or western provinces overseeing this cases and jailing people with hash sentences that are not even in the penal code

  7. Where are the cool heads from Eastern province to counsel this Munir Zulu? Under the PF government, he actually assaulted a police officer on Kasangula Road. He’s an incorrigible thug.

  8. The problem with this young man is that,he thinks hate speech and tribe remarks is the best way of doing politics.

  9. My first recollection of Mr. Munir Zulu is of him fighting a traffic police officer (the cop seemed street wise and landed some impressive jabs on Mr. Munir), just after PF came to power. Since then he has appeared in the media for all the wrong reasons. Like the time he talked about MPs in the national assembly and shaving their p**ic hair.

    This is the kind of character we are dealing with. Uncouth, uncultured, totally lacking in emotional (social intelligence). That he is an MP baffles me to no end. He needs to be reined in. He reckons he is above the law because he has gotten away so many times.


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