MMD Party President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba has dispelled media rumors in Zambia that he has been arrested in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
“I want to assure everyone that I am well. I have not been arrested as it has been reported. I have just been restricted, ” Dr. Mumba posted on social media.
In a video apparently released this evening from his Lubumbashi hotel room and monitored by ILyashi Lyesu, the former Vice President of Zambia confirmed that he has not been arrested but only restricted by the security team in DRC for further investigations.
“I have been restricted from leaving the country until they complete their preliminary investigations. These investigations are about trying to find out what exactly I’m doing in this country at such a time when there is heightened political activities in Congo DR. As former Vice president, they want to make sure I am cleared as to why I am here, ” stated Dr Mumba.
Dr Mumba also mentioned that there is nothing wrong that he and his team have done that contradicts any laws of Zambia and that of Congo Dr.
” We came here for business and we have achieved that. I want to thank every Zambian for standing with me and my team in prayers and hope that this ordeal or experience will come to an end very soon,” concluded the MMD president.
Credits: ILyashi Lyesu