By Mubita Nawa


I have been called to report to the police for investigations.

As I prepare to go, I thought I should communicate with you. I have spent the last ten months of my life on a journey to fight for freedom of speech, freedom of movement and freedom to be proud of Zambia once again.

Two weeks ago I witnessed the humiliation of Honerable Mucheleka and others who spent a month in jail. Two days ago Mrs. Caroline Kambwili and Chanda Kambwili were humiliated and undressed for wanting to stand with their father and husband. Yesterday Sesheke Member of Parliament Romeo Kangombe and Munali Constituency Vice Chairman Obert Shibeenzu were arrested and driven 826 Kilometres to Chinsali and are detained at Nambuluma Police Station.

I have thought of Christone Tembo, Ronald Penza and I have thought of Lenshina and Mushala. I have thought of my family in general and my children in particular. I say it is well.

Our struggle is a national struggle to bring justice for all in spite of our own suffering in Zambia.

Like Nelson Mandela said, “I have dedicated my life to this struggle. I have fought against white domination and black domination. I have cherished the idea of a free South Africa. It is an idea for which I am prepared to live for. But if need be, it is an idea for which I am prepared to die.”

Zambia is going through dark times. We can all liberate Zambia if we collectively speak and not hide.

🇳🇬 Nigeria is going through it’s own challenges of social and geopolitical emancipation. But in Nigeria, everyone is speaking. May God give everyone of us the courage to speak and hopefully to act.

Zambia 🇿🇲 is a very rich country with gold, copper, water and uncountable resources. The only poverty in Zambia is poor leadership and bad priorities.

We do not need to be caging one another when our economy is in bad shape and needs urgent attention. We do not need to be pretending to be humble when we know deep down our hearts that we are scared of our enemies. Democracy must not be a word we use when begging for aid yet in the other hand we hold a leash to silence the voices of our perceived enemies.

Rupiah Banda was called ‘Nyama Soya’. He never paid attention. Rupiah Banda was so psychologically strong that even when a monkey 🙊urinated on him at state house 🏠 he found humor in it (kanitundila akakantu). Mwanawasa was called a ‘cabbage’. He never minded nor silenced anyone. He strove to unite Zambia so much that even when Michael Sata fell ill, Mwanawasa flew ✈️ Mr. Sata to South 🇿🇦 Africa for emergency cardiac 🚨 treatment. A matter Mr. Sata would cherish forever.

Times have changed though. We now have professional boot lickers. We have citizens walking freely after shooting and beating police officers at central police. We have acquittals and Nolle Prosequi for many and convictions for others. Cadres are now decision makers and economists. A livelihood of carderism is destroying the fabric of our nation. It is well Zambia.

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel put it better when he said, “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.”

Let us unite as a nation to bring real peace and prosperity for all. Let us fight to make sure criminals do not govern us and that real law and order is restored to our beloved nation for all not just the connected few. Let us silence the biased voices of those enjoying brown envelopes. Let us uplift and care for one another.

I am sure this will pass and you will hear from me soon. Very soon I know. But if you do not hear from me, at least I have informed you.

May God bless this nation. May God heal this nation. May God grant us all wisdom and eyes to see.

God bless Zambia and her people.

MCN, 23/10/2020


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