Fellow Countrymen and women I am happy to announce to you today that as I pledged to the people of Zambia, that I am ready to pay back the salary that I and my fellow Ministers where paid in 2016 at the time we should have been out of office but continued to perform some official duties. I will not belabor the point of misinformation or poor guidance by the appointing authority but rather hasten to say that I have today honored that obligation.
I have over the last few years made it clear that upon being advised the account to deposit the funds in I will be the first to pay back. I am glad to inform you that I have today 15th December, 2020 redeemed that commitment by paying back what was owed to the people of Zambia. It is unfortunate that this has had to be protracted in such a manner owing to the fact that others saw the need to argue this issue by taking it to the courts of law.
A situation that could have been avoided. We could have saved the courts time and resources for the people of Zambia and placed our collective energy to other constructive areas of poverty alleviation, addressing the ever growing divide between those who have and those who do not have. More importantly, our youths are looking for hope and that much needed help of being employed as the nation cries for leadership to help address the current economic challenges that is fast turning the Copperbelt muchibolya (Ghost town).
Countrymen and women I have honored my commitment and I encourage all my colleagues to do the same but more importantly it is my prayer that those funds should be put to a better use of meeting the needs of those who are economically excluded and not in the pockets of a few selfish politicians.
Thank you, God bless our nation and let’s Believe Again!!!
Harry Kalaba
DP President


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