I welcome the conviction of Hon. Nickson Chilangwa to five years with hard labor for his role in perpetrating violence – Dr Noel CHISEBE




“As a governance and human rights activist, I welcome the conviction of Hon. Nickson Chilangwa to five years with hard labor for his role in perpetrating violence. This verdict sends a strong message that political violence and impunity will no longer be tolerated in Zambia.

Hon. Chilangwa’s conviction demonstrates that the judiciary is taking a bold stance against violent politics and ensuring accountability for those who perpetrate it. This ruling sets a precedent for other politicians who promote violence and intimidation.

To other politicians who engage in violent politics, I urge you to reflect on the consequences of your actions. Violence and intimidation have no place in our democracy. Instead, let us embrace peaceful dialogue, respect diversity of opinion, and prioritize the well-being of our citizens.

The judiciary’s stance is a step towards restoring sanity and civility in Zambian politics, which has been plagued by insults, name-calling, and violence. I call on all political leaders to respect the rule of law and embrace peaceful politics.

Let us work together to build a Zambia where diverse opinions are valued, and political differences are resolved through peaceful means.”

Advice to politicians who promote violent politics:

1. _Embrace peaceful politics_: Focus on issue-based campaigns and respectful dialogue.
2. _Respect opponents_: Recognize the dignity and worth of political opponents.
3. _Prioritize citizens’ well-being_: Put the needs of citizens above personal interests.
4. _Leverage judicial accountability_: Recognize the judiciary’s role in ensuring accountability for violent actions.
5. _Foster a culture of tolerance_: Encourage diverse opinions and peaceful coexistence.

The judiciary’s verdict in Hon. Chilangwa’s case sets a positive precedent for promoting peaceful politics and accountability in Zambia.

Issued by

Governance and human rights activist.


  1. Chitotela came up with a song that he properly coined saying ” This case you have committed, is sending you to jail”, the implementation of this song is becoming reality now.

  2. Chitotela came up with a song that he properly coined saying ” This case you have committed, is sending you to jail”, the implementation of this song is becoming reality now. ” UMULANDU WALETA WENA BALEKULONGA”, AND HE SANG THIS REFERING TO THE PRESIDENT.

  3. @Bystander you are out of your mind and stop hallucinating. We are talking about the arrests of political violence and the issue of Jay Jay Banda is under investigations. Jay Jay Banda is also facing criminal charges. Give time to law enforcement agencies to deal with case that talking nonsense. What has the Zambezi provinces done to you?

  4. Given the wide interest in this case because of the people involved, I expect the full text of this judgment to be widely available soon. Prison is a terrible place. It’s terrible that nasty by-elections may follow this judgment depending on the Magistrates Court being persuaded that the High Court may find grounds to overturn the conviction.


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