I write to damage the IGNORANCE of  President HH – KBF


Good day. I pray we are all well.
I write to damage the IGNORANCE of our President.


Let me state for the record that I  am a lawyer by profession and I take great exception to a layman like the President , H.H. when tries to mislead this country.


A lacuna at law only exists if the LAW HAS NOT PROVIDED FOR SOME PARTICULAR SITUATION; or when the law in question has seemingly remained quiet about a clear and obvious matter which it was meant to address.This can be by mistake or human error. It can also be as a result of an oversight by the Government or Legislature, as the case may be.

Where the law has spelt out a Presidential term  of office,  a time for the dissolution of Parliament, a time when to hold a Presidential Election by naming the month and date or period …THERE CAN BE NO LACUNA.

WE know that H.H. is now hearing  the footsteps 👣 of ZMP  thundering from  c from the left flank , ready to take over Govt…so he wants to deliberately and ignorantly speak about a subject over which he has no knowledge….There is is extra time bwana…!! Our next elections are to be held in August 2026. So , be ready to either jump ship or receive your punishment like a man . Mulinso ..pwaaaka…pwa



  1. HH is not ignorant, can’t you see that you are the one who is ignorant? Are you not the one who was waking up the Judges at night? Ne nsoni tamukwete ba KBF. What you are saying is purely day dreaming, HH hearing footsteps and thundering of ZMP, which direction are those footsteps and thundering coming from? HH can’t hear them because even you and your members if any, can’t hear them.

  2. Yah, what comedybis this from KBF. Please, KBF it’s you to keep quiet because out of your profession you chose to be simplistic. You are waiting for 2026 to do what if you can’t even participate in a simple bye election. Please we’ve enough problems to concentrate on, not this hot air from you.

  3. The constitution of Zambia number 2 of 2016 Article 52 clause 6 says where a candidate dies or resigns or is disqualified in accordance with Article 70 or 100 or 153 or the court disqualifies a candidate for corruption or malpractice after the close of nominations, and before the election date, the Electoral Commission of Zambia shall cancel the election and require the filing of fresh nominations and elections shall be held within 30 days of the filing of fresh nominations.
    Explain what happens if candidates continue resigning after nominations. Is there a sub section which determines the number of times the candidates from a certain can withdraw without causing a cancellation of the election?

  4. Since KBF claims to be a lawyer, he should explain how to deal with the constitutional provisions relating to a candidate withdrawing their nomination before the elections.

  5. The Zambian lawyers in politics are having a field day because of the lacunae statement by the president. But when one examines their responses it is all “sound and fury signifying nothing”. Useless lawyers!

  6. Am no lawyer, but we have heard of claims of people being top notch lawyers.
    They dissolved Parliament but still kept their ministers on payroll and allowances.
    They still claim being sworn in twice is not holding office twice!
    KBF, can you explain how you feel out of favour with HH UPND alliance? What happened between you and ACC soon after HH was declared winner? Is it true that you collected the record of known corrupt individuals and did something with it?
    You also confessed to driving to Judges”s homes in the thick of night to do ‘mingalato’.
    Is your word worth trusting?
    It would be nice to hear from you!

  7. KBF be quick to hear and be slow to speak. You are too proud and full of self importance. Being a lawyer does not mean you Mr. KBF are you articulate and wise in articulating issues pertaining to law. Your statements and reactions to the president’s address to Parliament has exposed your ignorance and poor engagement with government. On all that the president spoke, Mr. KBF you only opted to keep up the lacuna, which the president spoke by giving a generic scenario in gaps that may exist the in our current Constitution.

    If our Constitution was perfect why are people calling for amendments to the Constitution? The word lacuna in simply means for unfilled space or a gap. If the Constitution has no gaps or no areas of concern stakeholders could have not being calling for amendments to the Constitution. The person who is ignorant here is not President Hakainde Hichilema per se but it is you Kelvin Bwalya Fube. Your bitterness, frustration and jealous is eating up. Your reactions are symptoms of a bitter and frustrated person.

    • @knowledge correct version – sorry for the earlier it contained typos:

      KBF be quick to hear and be slow to speak. You are too proud and full of self-importance. Being a lawyer does not mean you Mr. KBF are articulate and wise in articulating issues pertaining to law. Your statements and reactions to the president’s address to Parliament has exposed your ignorance and poor engagement with government. Of all that the president spoke, Mr. KBF you only opted to pick up the lacuna word, which the president spoke by giving a generic scenario in terms of gaps that may exist in our current Constitution.

      If our Constitution was perfect why are people calling for amendments to the Constitution? The word lacuna in simple terms means for an unfilled space or a gap. If the Constitution has no gaps or no areas of concern, then stakeholders could have not been calling for amendments to the Constitution. The person who is ignorant here is not President Hakainde Hichilema per se but it is you Kelvin Bwalya Fube. Your bitterness, frustration and jealous is eating you up. Your reactions are symptoms of a bitter and frustrated person.

  8. So even KBF is ignorant?
    Do we really have lawyers in Zambia, these lawyers are disgracing UNZA.
    Ba KBF this show off public style of character in you is not a match with genuine Lawyer may be not from UNZA.
    Listen to what HH is saying, pick up the document go through see if what HH is saying is not true….it is true one can stay for longer time in State House due to postponements of Presidential Elections due to the reasons cited in the constitution. Yes, it has never happened BUT it is possible with growing of democracy and Alliances. Count how many Presidential candidates we do have now? We may even experience this in 2026 that’s when you will believe HH. By then he will still enjoy prolonged stay in power…This issue has exposed our lawyers from UNZA.
    Where is SC John Sangwa?
    Ba KBF ati am a lawyer……kikikik your friend top notch Lawyer signed a defective constitution.

  9. Kbf too much pride,he thinks he knows it all,we may not be lawyers but we can read these constitutional provisions and what the president said can happen considering the fact that we have very hungry politicians who can misbehave


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