If HH fails…..
By Dr. Brian Mushimba
I agree with the notion that if HH fails to deliver on the massive mandate the voters gave him last year, it will be by choice.
Unlike KK in 1964, HH inherits a different Zambia at the precipice of greatness and blessed with tremendous, competent, experienced and mightily upgraded human capital, hordes of youths full of vigor and energy ready to be deployed.
The expertise that is available to him spreads distances. You literally can find a Zambian anywhere you go today in the world. They are also doing very well and impacting those communities and driving production. Many are right there at home holding fort and giving all they got in difficult terrain. We applaud and celebrate them them 🙌🏾 🙏🏾. The ones abroad are at the IMF and world bank as experts. They are at the CDC in Atlanta as medical research experts. They are in Australia and Arizona as mineral extraction experts running some of the biggest and most complex mining operations. They are in Canada designing the next microwave applications. They are in the UK performing the most complex medical surgeries known to man. They are at Goldman Sachs in New York doing the most complex financial derivations and modeling futures.
They are everywhere, these Zambians 🤗!
The only way our president then fails is if he doesn’t allow himself to access these Zambian experts that are at his disposal to augment the teams that he currently has so they all support him execute his vision. The only way he fails is if he fails to unite the nation, fails to heal the nation or fails to be the father to all the citizens irrespective of politics. The only way he fails is if he makes the same mistakes the previous govts made. The only way he fails is if he looks at citizens and divides them based on which party they belong to or belonged to; forgetting that all are Zambians first and want the best for Zambia. Past mistakes must be learnt from and not used to justify present mistakes 🙏🏾.
We are hopeful he will not fail. His success, as we have said many times, is all our success.
I come in peace.
Zikomo 🤝🏽