I’m hard working whether you like me or not – HH


I’m hard working whether you like me or not – HH

By Mubanga Mubanga

President Hakainde Hichilema has expressed disappointment with procurement officers in government who are buying borehole accessories at K500,000, when the nation is going through a crisis.

Speaking during a press briefing at State House yesterday, President Hichilema said there was now need to ensure that water for drinking, cooking and animals are availed to the nation.

“And l don’t know if I made mention of this last time, we now put measures to ensure that, this water borehole as an example is procured at the right cost. I mentioned last time, if my memory serves me right, that we had procurement colleagues that were procuring a borehole plus accessories at K300,000 to K500,000… https://dailyrevelationzambia.com/im-hard-working-whether-you-like-me-or-not-hh/


  1. Working hard to parcel and sell the country to his friends after selling the 20% ZCCM-IH shares and many other national assets to be sold by the Chief Marketer.


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