In almost all the institutions there’s a CEO or head of procurement, Head of Human resource from Southern province- Praise Singer Musamba Barbrah Chama

Barbrah Chama

Musamba Barbrah Chama writes:
Truth be told!!!!

In almost all the institutions there’s a CEO or head of procurement, Head of Human resource from Southern province! Tefintu bane. Most of them have proved to be bad managers (Pompous, rude, arrogant and uncaring).

Instead of doing the right things to make the companies they are heading become a beacon of good fortune and example they are doing the opposite.

They are just busy abusing the good name of the president. Ever cutting deals, employing relatives and bragging about how untouchable they are. This vice is making UPND appear to be worse than PF. Government offices are seeing a growing trend of Juniors intimidating their bosses using a big name.. If the trend is not stopped the downfall of HH7 will actually be his fellow tribesmen.


  1. Maybe “OCIDA” or veteran freedom fighters like Mr. Venon Mwaanga can give us a comment starting from their engagement with KK on the meaning of One Zambia One Nation
    Defunct TuPF criminal government really messed up by being regional and favouring only zambians from Eastern Northern and Luapula Provinces
    So in order to reverse the trend and distribute positions evenly, it definitely will appear as if only the zambians from Northwestern Western and Southern Provinces are being recruited or favoured
    For me, it doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it catches the mice
    In event that this equalisation exercises is carried too far, people have the right to vote HH7 out of power in 2026

  2. There were reasons why it took over 20 years for the UPND to be in government… historical factors were at play…
    Given chance to rule, it’s important to move away from the stigma which have plagued some political parties such as the UPND. But if the stigma becomes reality, then the people’s perceptions were actually true. Is it equalisation to have majority CEOs/HRMs, /POs from one have 90% police commissioners , Judges, and all critical institutions headed by people from one region? There’s a tribal rot happening in many government ministries, state institutions, and parastatals..If Civil Servants start feeling this tribal stench, and start seeing young kids becoming Head Teachers, Debs, etc by virtual of tribe, just know that such a government won’t last..
    Whereas the PF’s so called tribalism was at cabinet level, the UPND’s tribalism goes way down to all structures…and it’s being felt by the people.. common people…the Voter.

  3. Give us some examples, in PF cabinet names did prove. Also , when you talk about head of departments sure, how many departments are in an institution and are they all of them headed from the same region? And don’t just mention 3 or 4 institutions here , how many government institutions are there in the country? And who had the time to do a head count and conclude that most government institutions? But Mu Zambia Mano,

    • Zambians rejected tribalism against any tribe. One tribe should never be favoured just because the president belongs to that tribe.

      Let us reject this tribalism together, because if you ignore it, it will bite you after 2026 when we have a president from a different tribe.

  4. Although, lots of UPND cadres or aligned like Mike Simuwe, can now have access to any house media platforms to insult the Zambian people’ intellect about the evil deeds of PF by spinning the narrative, we did an amazing credible job to campaign for HH by increasingly influencing our people mindset alas we did not know that HH will be the worse president in the history of Zambia. He promised the government will embrace and appoint youths but we have been rewarded with the recycled people in every government or parastatal companies.
    1: Zesco is one of the worst company where nepotism, corruption, greed, tribalism and intimidation of employees from those our brothers and sisters perceive their worst enemies have been subjected to humane treatments. Even the most qualified will be over looked because it’s the Tonga time. Senior managers are threatened or reported for crimes that they have not committed to ACC, DEC or police.
    2: for example Zambia protective Unit, (UP)the recalled retired commanding officer. He promoted his son from Constable to assistant superintendent within six months the boy who can not do any job in Kabwe. The police even the Lozis and officers from North western are now being marginalised, a junior officer from Southern province refusing to take lawful order from the superior officer because it’s their time. HH may not know everything but when people are writing or openly discussing issues like these , pay attention because time is not on your side and you will regret and realise you would have taken interest in dealing with these concerns.

  5. Aba Bemba nabena Chipata naba Tonga mwachilamo always talking about Tribalism, don’t you have other things to talk about? Actually these three tribes are the hardcore Tribalists in this country. You seldom hear Tribal talk from Lambas, Lozis, Kaondes and Luvales. Muleti mwanasha ko atase!!!

  6. I beg to differ with you, if tribalism was based on the number of CEOs from one tribe, then Bembas are the most tribalists because they are found in every department due to their numbers. The Tongas (Bantu Botatwe) that you are talking about are the second largest ethnic group in Zambia after the Bembas. So you can’t compare Tongas to the Lambas, for example because even just by population, Tongas are many times more than Lambas, Lalas or Swakas. UPND just came to power about two and half years ago, so it’s not possible to employ those people and promote them to the ranks of CEOs within a short space of two years, it’s impossible. That being the case, these people were employed long time ago but the authorities that were there were sidelining them on tribal grounds. It’s now that things have started changing, for example, we never had any Tonga PS in Health until now but educated Tongas like Dr. Simonga, Dr. Mukonka and many others were there and nobody thought of promoting them. It was almost a taboo to hear of certain names there and we became so used to names from few ethnic groupings, Mwaba, Miti, Mulwanda, Malama and so on. So if there are Tongas who deserve promotion on merit and were not promoted that time, being promoted this time does not scandalize HH or his ND government in anyway, HH has just put everyone on the level ground where everyone has the equal footing. Otherwise the more than 40 thousand Civil Servants and Military men and women recruited by HH are still junior officers and they don’t only come from Southern Province but from all the ten Provinces of Zambia, none of them has already risen to a rank of a CEO, you can tell us if you know any, then we can believe what you are saying. Every Zambian deserves promotion on merit and Tongas cannot continue being sidelined because the President is a Tonga, we say no to that, let them compete with everyone and if they are picked or promoted, it’s their luck and they deserve it, otherwise they have been sidelined for long time and it’s time for them to also enjoy like others. Under PF, we did not even have them but if we are having them now, then the ND government of should be commended for that.

  7. Tribalism and nepotism in whatever form must be condemned. Only insecure people resort to tribalism. If what the lady had written about is true, it will spell the end of the UPND and rightly so.

    If there are people who feel that it is their time to practise tribalism, well the end will be exactly like that of the notorious PF.


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