Independence Day Should Be Declared a Day of National Mourning – Simataa

By CIC Reporter | 24 Oct 2020 | Lusaka
UPND firebrand aspiring councillor for Kamwala Ward 5, Mainda Simataa, says October 24 should be declared a day of national mourning because all the social, economic and political achievements of the UNIP and MMD governments in the past 56 years have been stolen by the PF government in under 10 years.

Simataa who’s also a graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah School of revolution in South Africa, Patrice Lumumba Class, explained that Zambia was now under the yoke of Chinese neocolonialism – a term he says refers to the new tactics used by developed countries like China to control and exploit the labour and resources of poorer African countries using debt and aid in place of guns and force.

“Look, today we’re saying happy independence day to each other, but have we asked how many Zambians have jobs and money in their pockets to celebrate the same independence day today?

“We’re busy posting happy independence wishes on Facebook and whatsapp, but are we aware that in western province and Luapula there’s 80% poverty levels – that people survive on roots and mangoes? In Lusaka and copperbelt poverty is over 70%, so if majority of Zambians are starving, then what are we celebrating?

“If we look at the economy, when MMD left power the dollar was at K5, 25kg meali-meal was K40, national debt was $3 billion. Today under PF the dollar is at K20, meali-meal is at K200, and the national debt is $27 billion, our generation will never finish paying that debt: is that what we are celebrating?”

“We’re told that we won freedom when we kicked out the white colonial masters 56 years ago, but today we have yellow Chinese masters who’ve hijacked government and our economy, kicking our workers buttocks, and even shooting them – is that what we’re celebrating?”

Simataa added that today’s Independence must mean free quality healthcare and education for all, quality jobs, housing, food, freedom from poverty, hunger, unemployment and corrupt leadership… “I tell you, when we achieve these basic things for all our people, then I can truly celebrate Independence with a free conscience, but today I choose to mourn for the millions of suffering Zambians, even if they don’t see the bigger picture…I must see it for them.”


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