4th July 2024


We have seen insinuations and attempts to drag the Republican President, Hakainde Hichilema, into the ongoing PF leadership wrangles, especially following the expulsion of nine of their Members of Parliament.

It has never been President Hichilema’s interest to interfere in how other political parties conduct their business. One of the strongest pillars of this President is his commitment to order and the rule of law in the country.

President Hichilema’s views on by-elections are well known. He has repeatedly called on stakeholders to come on board and make recommendations on how this issue can be addressed to avoid them and save resources.

The PF exercised its legal and constitutional rights to expel their members from Parliament according to the provisions of their party constitution. They later took these matters to the courts, where decisions were made that resulted in the expulsion of their nine MPs.

Therefore, when a decision such as this results from the PF’s self-inflicted wrangles, the President’s hands are extremely tied despite his personal views against by-elections. There is no way the President can interfere with the independent arms of government, such as Parliament and the Judiciary.

If he were to attempt to interfere with the provisions of the constitution, the same people accusing him would turn around and accuse him again. So far, the President has demonstrated willingness and courage to push for reforms in legislation he is uncomfortable with, such as defamation of the President and abolishing the death penalty.

These are laws that did not require constitutional amendments, but those regarding by-elections are beyond him as they require consensus from many stakeholders to address the numerous lacunas in the current constitution that they themselves admitted to signing with their eyes closed.

As far as we are concerned, the internal fights between the PF factional Presidents are historical from the time of the demise of the late President Michael Sata (MHSRP).

Whether they fight, reconcile, fight again, and then turn to the courts for arbitration, President Hichilema has no business with that. They should resolve their issues and leave the Republican President out of it.

President Hichilema is currently busy resolving more serious national issues created by the same people that are currently wrangling among themselves.

Clayson Hamasaka
Chief Communications Specialist
State House


  1. Well said. Those pointing fingers at HH have never seen anything bad pointing at them without trying to blame it on the President. They did the same when they started gassing Zambians. When there was a draught, they blamed HH.
    When they pretended to liquidate KCM, they diverted the attention to ficticous mines selling by HH through privatisation which was a government process.
    When they are practicing tribalism, they are busy blinding the people by saying the Tongas and Lozis are employing their own in government, diplomatic service and autonomous institutions. Genuine investigative journalists must go to these institutions and get the statistics. A simple example is FAZ where most other tribes have been shut out except a few used to cleanse their ills. They are sick and tribal inclination is no shame to them.
    What we need is what we can call ‘ TRIBAL OSMOSIS’ in these institutions which are a national cake to be enjoyed by every tribe. When you go even to these big private companies, if the Human resource Manager or Director is from those “Bakaitemwe” then the rest will come from their own or tribal cousins. Those of us from intermarriage arrangements are worried that even our own friends and ‘relatives’ throw us under the bus because we crossed tribal lines. Honestly? And all this to be blamed on HH?
    When they were plundering the national resources and sending cadres on those that spoke out, they did not realize that he law would catch up with them. When the law catches up with them they interpret it as political persecution! Imwe! Awe sure.

  2. We need to understand the PF constitution which they are using.These people may have two constitutions.They could have amended the initial one which Mr Sata left and crafted another one.And one thing I observerved with PF membership is they don’t have time to critically examine laws they make and to know implications.They have people who are highly educated from UNZA and UK as well as USA but they have a weakness.They don’t interrogate the laws they draw with that seriousness it deserves.They are always in a hurry to do certain things which requires case study.They are full of shortcuts and wanting to copy things or actions from some where else which are not applicable in Zambia or conjussive to themselves too.When constitution or laws are made with selfish interest the end result is failure in short period of time hence chaos


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