Jay Jay Drama


Jay Jay Drama

1. Some PF/UKWA aligned Law Enforcement Officers tip Jay Jay that he was about to be arrested for cases of alleged attempted murder and aggravated robbery;

2. The some team moots a scheme to pre-empt his arrest by faking an abduction;

3. The idea of an abduction was to create ethnic and regional conflict by creating an impression that Jay Jay was abducted and taken to Southern Province;

4. The political architects start creating stories that Jay Jay has been seen in Chikankata in Southern Province;

5. After sensing that the State was zeroing in on unearthing the alleged abduction, the “abductors” allegedly dump Jay Jay in Kafue;

6. The PF/ UKWA team, through UKWA Chairperson, Sakwiba Sikota, claim that Jay Jay was horribly tortured. Sikota held a Press Briefing where he alleged that the last time he saw such injuries was in 1991 on the late Cuthbert Ng’uni. Fake pictures of someone’s legs with injuries were circulated alleging that they belonged to Jay Jay to.justify their lies;

7. Quickly, Jay Jay is indicated into accusing some State House officials, to create an impression that the President was involved in the alleged abduction;

8. Fast forward, a fake story is created that one of Jay Jay’s legs has been amputated because he had been sick and the State was not taking him to the hospital after arresting and detaining him. A fake faceless picture of some with an amputated leg was circulated, to mislead the public that that was Jay Jay;

9. A classic one, Jay Jay, whom the PF/UKWA sang day and night that he was extremely sick and needed to be taken to the hospital, escapes from Chipata Hospital in Eastern Province where he was in the Correctional Facility awaiting court appearances!

10. Again, the PF Social Media Platforms are awash with innuendos that Jay Jay was abducted by the State from the hospital, notwithstanding the fact that one of his wives is an eye witnesse of how the Honourable Member of Parliament for Petauke Central Constituency escaped from lawful custody!


  1. The fact that this Guy seems to be one step ahead of law enforcement authorities is a bad sign in itself, the enforcement authorities are supposed to be proactive and not reactive.

    • Exactly.

      This may suggest that either our law enforcement agencies must pull up their socks or they are accomplices in the drama.

  2. But we are now tired of asking questions on the puzzles.That window was it the exit point really? How about the height from window to the ground? And the “sick patient” who was not doing vigorous exercises to manage to jump through? I am not an investigator but I want to pose good critical questions.After allowing that privacy where did the security position itself? Is that hospital having lifts if so where was security positioned is it after the lifts or stairs? And if someone jumps from such a height there is no sound? I presume a thud sound could have been heard.What caused the security to lose concentration? And at what point did they lose it? And after how many minutes did they notice the missing of patient.What is the distance from ward entrance and exit window? And exit gate from hospital? What was the last word from patient before exit? Was there any phone call prior? No details for the privacy or it was in disclosable privacy? Questions can’t end.

    • The convict might have used the usual exit through an act of drama. Mentioning the window is just a sheer waste of time. The security officers and the wives must be involved in this act drama of drama.
      Ala ba UPND bukeni, try to improve more on your intelligence, otherwise

  3. Why are we not told what jj’s wife and security guards said after this escape ?Whatever we say is speculative cos we were not there n we are not connected to the wife n security personnel

  4. I think this was how it was:
    PF/UKWA team moots out a plan to have JJ escape
    1. they aarange a car stationed just near the hospital gate.
    2. they tell one of his wives the plan and not to tell any of the other wives
    3. they give the wive a nylon rope, she smuggles it into the hospital room which she later gives JJ
    4. JJ sneaks with the rope to the toilet and later uses it to escape. hooking the rope to the handle of the window and sliding down the wall to the ground. Pulls down the rope and off he goes into darkness. the wife was told not to tell the other colleagues

  5. Unbelievably this case has just legally turned into another criminal case. However, foolishly and unsolicited another excited person is now on record stating they confirmed fugitive has communicated with them and is well. Making themselves and their self made video accomplices to this dramma of prison break. Amazing!!

    Unbelievable! You just can not make this stuff up.

    What is apparent is that it was an inside job and the obvious indicators are that all the people who were in his presence (MP) know what happened. This is not rocket science. The escape was collaborated.

    Fast forward what this means now, is that another seat in parliament is up for another election. There is no way an illegal action can be supported by parliament especially now that the alleged offender is now a fugitive.

    Ultimately this question of the Parliamentary seat will need to be addressed eventually. Whether we like it or not it’s unavoidable and inevitable.

    We remain curious and watchful as this developing story progresses. One question thrust before us to answer is which one is more important “Justice ” or “partisan politics”

    Again we the voters seem to be on the lossing side regarding the tax payers side and finally on the parliamentary representation side.

    It is clear Polititicians have morally and Socially failed us many times. One is forced to rethink how much confidence should be placed on these folks. Should they earn the term honorable, or should we just assume they are. I think herein lies the genesis of the problem.

  6. Zambians tend to be too trusting of politicians who in turn take them for fools and below average people! You have a country’s population yearning for social services yet the under pressure limited resources are being spent following stupid gimmicks by some criminal uneducated Petauke parliamentarian! Why is government dragging its feet chasing a fugitive? Hand the hunt for the fugitive to C5!


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