Former Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Board Chairman Musa Mwenye’s demand letter made to Kankoyo Member of Parliament Heartson Mabeta has been challenged.

Mabeta tells Mwenye that they will meet in court. The background being that Mwenye made subliminal attacks on government leaders saying they are reluctant to declare their assets because they are corrupt. This was in his remarks bidding farewell to ACC.

But Mabeta says he hopes Mwenye would one day tell Zambians how he was chasing after a $3 million Commission from a deal where he allegedly threatened or intimidated judges.

This accusations unsettled Mwenye who demanded that Mabeta retracts his statement and apologize in 24hours. Mabeta says “bring it on”.


  1. The court is a neutral stage on which to engage in a rules-based fight. I look forward to this one. There should be enough entertainment to make me cope with the Zambian winter.

  2. Whenever I see my black Africans mimicking Arabic uttires and more sadly embracing their pagan cult, I feel pity and pray for them so that one day, they will come to their senses when truth unveils about this demonic cult from middle East. I was in this cult, so I talk from what I know and is written in their “holy book” about black people. Trickly to hide the truth when translating into English, they sugar coat and lie because 90% of followers of those cult are not native Arabic speakers, the language in which this cultic book is written.
    If you are reading this comment, and having a smart phone,
    whether a Christian or any other religion,
    Please watch and learn from the Native Arabic speakers who are devoted Christian warriors fighting against this satanic cult with boldness

    Watch the following people on YouTube and you will thank me later.
    You will know and be equipped bible truth about the filthnes of this opposing cult in details. If you are already in this cult, I promise, you will drop it like a hot coal.
    Watch on your YouTube, Rumble or Discord, any or all the following brothers;

    Christian Prince -Native Arabic speaker

    Sam Shamoun- Native Persian speaker

    ROB CHRISTIAN -Native Arabic speaker

    • Romufa, all religion is a man-made scam, be it Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Bahai or Kimbanguist.

      • Incidentally, Christianity started in the Middle East also and just like Islam, it’s also based on the same mythology. It’s just you do not know that the Bible is being re-written in order to expunge objectionable passages about black people. You are just thoroughly indoctrinated in another cult.

  3. Care must be taken when making very alarming statements. It is hoped that the facts of allegations are supported by factual information and not word of mouth.

    All this we are yet to see, especially that a politician is involved in these utterances. With the many baseless statements politicians have been making of late one needs to wait for the outcome of the interrogation of the submissions in order to separate facts from wild statements.

    Further , I am just curious to know why this information waited for the desloving of the ACC board to come out. By the way this is on both sides. .

    Both sides were comfortable to withhold the accusations that they hid in their hearts till the separation. This is very concerning because we as Citizens obviously were not priotised as stakeholders in this crusade of corruption.

    So far the steps taken by the accused (SC) demonstrates a sincere attempt to sought out this matter amicably.

    What is noted is that despite the Honorable MP appearing to be on solid ground, he has not demonstrated exercising his right to have previously report the SC to other higher authorities to put him in check. Instead he chose to provide this unsolicited information to the general public for their consumption. Of which we are thankful.

    However , typical of political manuvering style the attack has successfully managed to cast doubt on the integrity of the SC without creating a definite pathway to bring Justice. Hence this story is of no use without being legally acted upon.

    While all these revelations are welcome. We now need to know the truth regarding these utterances, through the courts of law. The question that remains, is whether the State is really ready to have this person who held this sensitive position to speak on these issues to defend himself in an open court? To me this looks like shooting ones self in the foot. Especially given the professional back ground of this individual.

    This prospective case will certainly be of much interest to the whole nation. I only sure hope both camps are fully prepared for what they are rushing to do in the courts of law.


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