“Slow down otherwise we will be forced to change the constitution and force you!”

I am one of the teachers who were recently recruited and am already on payroll. It was like a dream come true after suffering for five years under the previous regime and only to be given a job now. And before I even teach a single period, I am already paid! While there are few areas where Government is yet to actualise its promises to the Zambian People, on job-creation, I can testify that this has exceeded my expectations.

I knew HH is a hardworking man but I didnt expect him to overwork like this! We were told few months ago by many opposition leaders that we will start receiving our salaries in January or February 2023, but here we are receiving salaries in August 2022 before even working.

President HH sir, please slow down in implementing your campaign promises otherwise we shall change the constitution and force u to continue ruling us upto 2050 like what Russia and some Arabic Countries do.

Caroline Mwanza


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