Laura Miti, Sishuwa Sishuwa


Notwithstanding the fact the term praise singer was introduced into the public discourse by one of our most eminent and erudite citizens, Musa Mwenye, I find that it tends to be used by the least reflective and basest of us.

In current Zambia, the terms praise singer, cadre and such other trite descriptions are generally utilsed when someone has no criticism of substance against another. Mostly, these terms come out of the mouths of the most combative, lazy of thinking and disagreeable of us.

It is for that reason that I am disappointed that Sishuwa Sishuwa described Dr O’Brien Kaaba as a praise singer, in his response to the UNZA Law lecturer’s recent consequential statement on the ACC.

Now, of course, Sishuwa is free, and probably expected, to think negatively of O’Brien. Recently, the two tend to find themselves on opposite sides of most substantive issues.

But that Sishuwa, undoubtedly one of our sharpest, highly educated, internationally respected minds, who is also able to articulate himself impressively, if equal only to HH in being long winded, would describe another of our best academics – his own equal- by the  unthinking praise singer label is saddening.

Saddening for him but mostly for us. If individuals like Sishuwa begin to dumb down in their public discourse, what happens to this country that is already so bereft of the kind of intellectual analysis and, yes, disagreement that you cannot fault, even if you hold another view. One that uses substance and evidence to argue and, yes, criticise.

No, Sishuwa – you are – or at least should be – better than that.

Laura Miti


  1. I think power, praise, celebrity, ends up going to people’s heads where they begin to think they are above anyone else. Lots of people before gaining power, popularity or celebrity status behaved modestly, but once they have been raised to a certain status, they tend to develop a certain arrogance where they lose the ability to listen and they end up with the negatve characteristic of being ” they know best”. I hope our sharp minds can still maintain those open minds where objectiveness is paramount to emotions and subjective considerations.

  2. Yes, Patriot, I totally agree with you. I do not see how sure he is to call his friend a praise singer. In my view it is him who is a praise singer because he is fighting to be appreciated, possibly, by a good hand to him.

  3. I think the lady has memory problems, Sishuwa is real in his submission without having to sugar quote words. It is what it is. Look at your past articles and language on ECL. Do you qualify even to point a finger at Sishuwa? Shame banakulu fimo fimo

    • Ama George, if Sishuwa is real; explain the substance in his anology? Its one thing to sound intelligent its another to speak with substance.
      Critical thought is cardinal in an objective arguement. And sadly, what we have is chaps that make alot of noise without substance or critical thought in their arguement.
      Again, give us an example of a position that Sishuwa has taken and break the substance of his position to us; as a test to your basis and position.

  4. Ama George, if Sishuwa is real; explain the substance in his anology? Its one thing to sound intelligent its another to speak with substance.
    Critical thought is cardinal in an objective arguement. And sadly, what we have is chaps that make alot of noise without substance or critical thought in their arguement.
    Again, give us an example of a position that Sishuwa has taken and break the substance of his position to us; as a test to your basis and position.


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