By Sakwiba Sikota
The question I often ask myself is, “When does life begin?”
Various anniversary numbers are given as special such as “sixteen”, “eighteen”, “Twenty one” and many others right upto the fifties, seventy fives and even a hundred.
One anniversary that is celebrated like there is no tomorrow is forty. It is celebrated like there is no tomorrow even though they say, “Life begins at forty.
I may not look like it but today I celebrate my fortieth. You may not believe me but I have the papers to prove it.
28th December is a date I will always recollect. I am not the only one who gets sweet remembrance of this day.
You may well wonder whether you can trust my reminiscence of events that happened so long ago; especially since I was served with a fair share of sherry that day.
Forty years later I still remember those who share this special day with me. The people I share this anniversary with, though some have since sadly left us, are:-
Miss. D.K Katebe (Mwiinga)
Mr. S.S. Kakoma
Mr. E.M. Simaluwani
Miss. W. Sithole (Mweenda)
Mr. S.K. Mwenyechanya
Mr. M.S. Molotsi
Mr. B.W. Nyirenda
Mr. S.S. Silomba
Mr. M.A.A. Nsofu
Mr. R.N. Simbyakula
Mr. E.R.B. M’embe
Mr. W.S. Mweemba
These are the fourteen young lawyers who were called to the bar (no wonder the sherry) on the twenty eighth December 1981. These are the graduates from the class of 1981 at the Law Practice Institute (now Ziale) that passed the exam on their first sitting out of a class of fifty three.
Amongst the fourteen we got a Supreme Court judge, three High Court judges, two chairmen of the Law Association of Zambia, a legal Affairs Minister, a university dean, a member of parliament, a Clerk of the National Assembly, a diplomatic ambassador, four State Counsels and even a mayor.
As I congratulate all those who were called to the bar this day forty years ago (including those not mentioned above but managed to clear their outstanding subjects at the September 1981 examination sitting) I say there is still so much to do.
I toast you with a glass of sherry. Do not stop now or hang up your wig. After all, life legally begins at forty.