New Heritage Party President Chishala Kateka says the coming back into active politics of Former President Edgar Lungu is not meant to fight the Head of State but to fight for his family and the Patriotic Front Party PF.

Ms. Kateka has advised President Hakainde Hichilema to avoid fighting the former Head of State openly but draw him closer.

She was speaking in Lusaka when she featured on Diamond TV’s Costa programme.

Diamond TV


  1. Mama Kateka, it is well known that fathers or parents have responsibility for their children or families but one doesn’t need to be on presidential position to discharge such responsibility.Mr ECL has been president before and was voted out by the people of Zambia recently in preference for HH now he does some opportunity cost of doing away with his dues gumbling for presidency which is a mountain to climb.In doing so he is stressing himself so much you and your friends are busy encouraging him instead of leting him to rest.Mr ECL has grown old he may fail to handle pressure which is in politics.He initially indicated that he stopped active politics and ambitious people like Miles Sampa showed interest,to take the mantle in PF now you say he is fighting for his family.I think you people don’t love the big man or you have hidden agenda.How many war fronts is he going to face? HH may fail to get closer to him because he gave threats that he ECL is a snake and a dove and HH can be removed from office before 2026.”If you doubt it’s your own peril” those were talks from ECL.And UKA has to go for convention who knows,one member may show his or her interest for presidency and more pressure to ECL again.And court cases involving the family are on going.

  2. Ba mayo, ba kateka, if really indeed,your statement is true,? Then, ECL,is fighting , futile battles ,
    What ,Lungu, needs,is to simply explain,the source of his family’s sudden Wealth, that’s the question..
    It’s common knowledge, that ,when Lungu stood in 2015,as a PF, Presidential Candidate,,we, all know, His Assets value &liabilities he did declare,,under Oath, before the Chief justice’s officials,,the Figures, of how much, he declared, is known & in public domain,
    So,from 2015 ,to 2021, let him just explain how much? ,Wealth he & his family amassed? Simple, and Figures will be compared ,so let him not fight, but explain, that’s all

  3. Ba Chishala, there is no need to fight for the family because there is nothing to fight for. The Courts just want his family to explain or show where and how they got the wealthy they posses, epela. Once they do that, then they will be free people and will be left to enjoy their wealthy. They should even be happy and thankful to this government because the investigations will greatly help to clear their names. If Lungu is fighting for his family, he should stop because the fight is un necessary.

  4. Being asked to account for the immense wealth you have accrued within a short time doesnot mean we are fighting Mr. Lungu. We know his background and we are aware that he and his family didnot have much before he ascended to the presidency.

    Ba Kateka, do I need to remind you that it is in the public domain that Mrs. Lungu entrusted USS400, 000 to a niece for safekeeping? Where and how did she earn that kind of money? Why entrust it to a niece and not a bank?

    Please donot mislead the public by saying HH is fighting Mr. Lungu. The money that was pilfered belongs to us taxpayers and we want full account. Professor Chirwa has just raised the question of the millions of dollars that were given to Zambia Railways and no one seems to know what happened to this colossal sums of money. Now ba Kateka, you want to just forget about that? What kind of people are we who are afraid to hold thieves to account.

    With this kind of reasoning, it is no wonder we are groaning under a heavy debt burden while the thieves are smiling all the way to the bank and making fun of us.


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