Edgar Lungu’s Return Is Rubbing Himself With Human Faeces Twice In His Face Which Has Just Made Sampa More Legitimate- Sikaile Sikaile



In politics, timing is everything. This is a Rupiah Banda and Nevers Mumba reloaded.

Mr Lungu resigned from the party and politics in his quest to live on government pension.

By virtue of his resignation, which was widely accepted by his membership, he ceased to be president of PF. It is also good that he has voluntary given up his impunity and we now expect him to be treated according to the he operated under his administration. One thing here that needs to be clearly understood is that he has been living on sympathy.

Sampa sensed the power vacuum, existed and a position was there for the taking. All he needed was to organise a conference and got voted in, and the rest is history. Most of our politicians don’t learn and it is not surprising that Mr Lungu has driven into our history again.

The situation would have been easier for PF if Lungu came back a little bit earlier before Sampa changed the list of office bearers at the Registrar of societies. All the Constitutions indicate one of the ways to lose membership and position is, through resignation. And like I said in my my previous article if one thinks “Sampa is foolish” then it is that individual who is a fool.

Therefore, Lungu resigned and retired from both the party and active politics. Evidence is in the letter he wrote to his party and copied to secretary to the cabinet. Other pieces of evidence, the rentals he was being paid for by government. Only a retired man is entitled to those benefits.

It is in this vein that his return can not propel him to the top of PF presidency by claiming he was elected. That privilege expired when he submitted that resignation letter, which was accepted.

So this will be a lengthy court battle with Sampa, the matero mp. They will keep accusing the government of interfering in their affairs. When, in fact, not. It is a self inflacted wound. In simpler ways I can say Lungu has allowed the same people who rubbed him human faeces in his face prior to 2021 elections to repeat it again.

The move has come but, a little late. Lungu will never learn.
If you resign as a headteacher and get your benefits. When you decide to come back, the best you can be is a pupil teacher and not a headteacher.

At least, he should have learnt from Putin, who installed Medvedev. Who was willing to step aside when Putin returned.

What Lungu should have done was to allow a conference to elect a dummy president.

Say, Nakachinda, who would be willing to resign when Lungu returned. That would have allowed another election, which Lungu, then, would have contested. It is also high time the HH led government should tell us how Zambia’s public resources were used to destabilize other countries security (Rwanda). We need to get busy now as a nation.

As things stand, Sampa is more legitimate.

Mr Lungu, playing hide and seek, has made you late. You can only be a leader of another faction.

Asanga baleteya.

Sikaile C Sikaile


  1. It is not the language, this is the reason why some of you don’t understand. The writer is clearly stating the facts of the current situation. You wanted him to pretend all is well? No! If it’s not straight tell it is bent. So it is with ECL. You can see he was trying to up his usual public speaking impulse. Lungu reacts spontaneously. Asanga hola ili mu extra time…wrong substitute in off side position. Yala mukosela.

  2. It is not the language, this is the reason why some of you don’t understand. The writer is clearly stating the facts of the current situation. You wanted him to pretend all is well? No! If it’s not straight tell it is bent. So it is with ECL. You can see he was trying to up his usual public speaking impulse. Lungu reacts spontaneously. Asanga bola ili mu extra time…wrong substitute in off side position. Yala mukosela.

  3. Please accept it, democracy is imperfect and therefore capable of producing an election result you may not like personally. In other words, democracy can be a bitch.

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