Media boss Mambwe factchecks VP Nalumango…regarding the fluctuating dollar kwacha exchange rate


Media boss Mambwe factchecks VP Nalumango
…regarding the fluctuating dollar kwacha exchange rate

From KBNTV 29th March 2024

Kennedy Mambwe, the owner, and CEO of Lusaka based television station Kbntv has called on the vice President of Zambia Mrs Mutale Nalumango to be truthful as she discusses national issues in parliament as leader of government business.

Pastor Mambwe was reacting to a recent statement of claim by Ms Nalumamgo before the house that the UPND government found the exchange rate the dollar to the kwacha at K24 to $1 when that is factually incorrect.

“People that checked the rate two days after the election show tat the exchange rate was much lower than that (it was K18 to a dollar) so why should the vice president for the sake of playing politics give a totally different fact of K24 to a dollar its not right,” said Pastor Mambwe.

Conversely, co guest on the programme The Analysis Amb. Anthony Mukwita said in some cases the exchange rate was K15.8 to $1 this can infact be verified with the Bank of Zambia by checking what it posted on it’s website in August 2021, not K24 mentioned repeatedly by VP Nalumango.

The panel decried the fact that most government officials in the current administration where in the habit of constantly ´embellishing´ facts to sound politically right.

Pastor Mambwe said the problem for the current leadership and many in Africa now is that a ´digital footprint´ exists now hence it is becoming extremely difficult to lie to citizens in the near or present future.

The Zambian vice president has constantly come under fire for misrepresenting facts either deliberately of accidentally because she was perhaps misled by her communication team.

The Analysis air live at 20.30 on KBNTV every Sunay week featuring Ambassador Anthony Mukwita, Pastor Mambwe and hosted by Innocent Phiri.

Source: KBNTV ´The Analysis´.


  1. The man himself is not truthful or he doesn’t know better about what he is talking about. It seems he did not do a root cause analysis or trend analysis, otherwise, he would not have made such comments. For his information, the kwacha started to appreciate two days after voting and when things pointed to president HH winning the election NOT two before elections as he claims. The sentiments in the global markets were positive when things started pointing to president HH scooping the elections and that is what started driving the appreciation of the kwacha.
    Before that, the kwacha was trading about K24 and the trend was pointing it depreciating further had PF won. So VP was correct when one takes her statement in context.

  2. You are mis representing facts. The correct position is that PF government manipulated the foreign exchange market towards election day to woodwink voters. That exchange rate was artificial as was not supported by any real production and exports. You are biased for your own reasons but you will not cheat God.

  3. You shall know them ,by the fruits of their labour, so this Pastor, and his Co host,,you can, tell, their fruits is what they got to gain, under PF, to people like these,anything HH,is black, nothing, will be any other colour,so some of the arguments we getting from some people, is purely hatred,guised in the freedom of speech,,

  4. This is a fake pastor, now using his station to spread lies. And he knows that mo matter what rubbish comes from his evil mouth, unlike his party PF, UPND will not close his TV station which he established using tantameni money.

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