Agitation at Twin Palms Police Station formerly known as Ibex Hill Police station in Lusaka as MFUWE Member of Parliament Maureen Mabonga collapses in her Cell.

A Plain clothes officer is head making frantic efforts to arrange for transportation to ferry the Lawmaker who has collapsed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Hon Maureen Mabonga is amongst those charged with Espionage and Proposing tribal war alongside Lumezi MP Munir Zulu.

The plain clothes officer is heard yelling at what seems like a junior officer through the phone telling him to quickly get to the station so as to use his vehicle to transport the Mfuwe constituency MP to a health facility as she is a bad state.

Even with their transportation challenges Twin Police station continue to deny friends and other loved ones access to Mrs Mabonga a woman parliamentarian.


  1. Why involve yourself in issues whose after-effect you cannot handle?
    Self-inflicted problems.
    Those wishing to visit their colleagues, note that these are not civil cases and are definitely still under investigation. Chill.

  2. These detentions will cause disaster some day… Some one will die in these police cells.You can’t just be detaining people anyhow . 2023 was spent just arresting and detaining opposition party officials…Tonga Hate Speech, Espionage for giving an interview, Defamation, Unlawful Assembly even at one’s home, sedition…
    Here we are in 2024, the detentions continue…Advanced Tonga Hate Speech ….and now we have started seeing cases of Tribal Wars !! Mwebantu !! and not even relatives can now be allowed to visit those in detentions..What kind of government is this? I have started doubting the sanity of the Mingalatoon..
    Psychiatric evaluation needs to be done on
    him ASAP before he plunges this country into a disaster..He is totally unfit to manage the affairs of this country..Let him be admitted to a sanatorium where he will be surrounded by Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots.. singing praises to him 24/7. He is a total failure.

    • I’m sorry to say this but I thinking capacity is below what is expected of an adult because any right thinking person cannot support such nonsense where somebody promotes tribal hatred. You serious need deliverance from that spirit

    • My friend no one in any state is allowed to visited when charged with espionage. Listen to their videos and you wouldn’t argue with the charge.

  3. Personally l have no pity for those that want to divide the country, infact it has taken too long to show those people the wrath of the law, if tribal divisions are not cut in the bud, we may end up with divisions that may never heal, cheers to government for taking a strong stand, a right stand against tribal divisions. No one should be allowed to creat tribal wars in our country, we only ave one Zambia, let this be a lesson to all.

  4. This is just drama. People, especially those in leadership positions, should take responsibility for their utterances. Collapsing whilst you are in jail will not make your criminal utterances go away.

  5. Where has that strength in enthusiasm of stressing a point of having numbers much larger than the law enforcement officers gone to to start collapsing now.

  6. Sorry my sister. You seem to have stuck around wrong company and got sucked into activities you did not clearly understand. Now your health is stressed. What a negative way to come into the limelight. It would appear that the the orchestrators of this are reading too many James Hadley Chase novels. Fiction books for teenagers in secondary school. As a novice in Parliament take time to observe remain true to your constituents. Don’t be swept away by immature,badly brought up misfits or people with an axe to grind from way before yo even joined politics. The cases you have found yourself in are serious.

  7. This is what we are saying, someone is talking of war and yet just a day of being in a police she collapses. So which war can she fight? It’s that some people don’t know what war is and what it’s effects are. War is bad and we should not even think or talk about it. And don’t look for trouble if you know you are weak, police cells need tough men and women like Mumbi Phiri, Mwaliteta, HH, imwe bambi teti mukwanishe. These people who are inciting and clapping for you won’t even be there to help you, you die alone. Let’s be law abiding citizens and all these troubles will flee from us and we shall be free men and women who will work to develop and unite our country. That’s our goal and that’s what we want.

  8. She’s just pretending, when she’s hungry she will wake up and cry for food. All politician when detained feign sickness, it’s the oldest gimmick police should not fall for it.
    Zambia will only have order if all suspected criminals are treated the same, criminals wearing a rob of a politician should be dealt with like any other criminal

  9. No right thinking person can support those being held. Our country is at stake with those people. Since no one is allowed to visit these people who heard the officer making an urgent call do we have spy s in our security forces that are passing information to the opposition. Also our journalists are not reporting fairly. It is an opposition gimmick to feign illness once they are in cells.

  10. @ Straight forward.
    I have seriously studied the psyche of the Mingalatoon as regards the so called Tonga Hate Speech..
    Here is a person , a typical villager, who goes to university…leads a closed life, never in student politics, never in union Politics, never in Professional Association Leadership.His approach to life is inward…Tribe.. thats the only thing he knows. He is not like Leonard Hikaumba and others who have interacted and used other ladders to pursue political careers. The Mingalatoon is about Tribe. He lives Tribe. He subsists on Tribe. He breathes Tribe. That is his oxygen.It’s what gave him the Presidency of a Political Party..And he rode on Tribalism , for years stirring Tribal Zealotry and passions, holding some regions hostage, fracturing the country through Tribal voting patterns…and creating the divisions we are now grappling with.
    But now he finds himself with a Phobia.His phobia is reverse Tribalism..He knows he used and continues using Tribalism…and he is so scared some one else can use it..Hence his obsession with tribe..He scents Tonga Hate speech everywhere..All opposition leaders from the north east are Tribalists spreading hate speech who should be in Prison. ECL, GBM, Edith Nawakwi, Chishimba Kambwili, Mundubile, Kafwaya, Dan Pule…and many others are all Tribalists..99% opposition leaders from the north east are all Tribalists! Spreading Tonga Hate Speech. Any one who shows some leadership potential should be crushed and labeled a Tribalist… Using his legion of Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots, and the rogue Koswe and Watch dog , and the sick State media to do his bidding… any potential Leader ship challenge from the north east should be labeled Tribalist and crushed. ..even the young Binwell Mpundu is a Tribalist! Peddling Tribal Hate..soon the young man will be at Twin a Tribal Terrorist!
    This is what happens when people use Tribalism to get power…they think everyone else is a Tribalist.. Sadly the praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots buy into his warped reasoning. You are destroying the country with this so called Tonga Hate Speech accusations..You are dividing the country more..You are the architects of Tribal Hatred.. STOP it .

    • I don’t why the police are letting this vagabond free to post all this rubbish, support a wrong makes you an equal offender. Lock this rotten character now please

    • Hallucinating Hypocrite you are just s criminal PF idiot with no muscle to change things the way you want them to be bwana. In life we have different blessings bwana. Even your Edgar Lungu which organization did he lead before he became a President. All we hear about Edgar Lungu was stealing of someones money, a widow for that matter. Very shameful ba idiot imweee.

    • ZICTA are a let down. They should be tracking these Bloggers whose only preoccupation, daily, is to spew tribal skewed postings. To them everything is and has to be tribal. Why do certain people fail to evolve from this “primitive Caveman Mentality” of tribalism. For me when I see a black person with a flat nose, first I see a brother or sister in him and then a Zambian or whatever African country they are from and it ends there, no prejudice nor profiling.

  11. I think tribal talk has been shown a firm hand. But let us not be too harsh. This ignorance and arrogance in our misguided leaders is definitely being regreted after the seriousness of the matter at hand. What they need now is guidance lessons on civil politics.

    A firm rebuke and reprimand as well as revisitation of the offenders alledged crimes is eminent should they continue to do the same.

    For now they crossed the line and now the know there is a limit of tolerancy. No need to over exert the punishment now that boundaries have been drawn.

    Mr. President these are still your children. Be firm but kindly don’t allow their recklessness destroy them. Gently reform them.

    I say this respectful. There is power in the mouth of the King. Currently you are in that seat. Have mercy Sir.

    As much as I don’t agree with their actions and utterences theu are still brothers and sisters with families.

    I humbly request our Church leaders and Traditional leaders to help resolve this delicate matter. Ugently!

    • Mate, you are saying religious leaders should help in resolving this delicate matter. Really? All the perpetrators are Christians and have their religious leaders. Did you see their religious leaders come out to censure or counsel them after hearing what they had said?

      • I don’t condorn any of their actions at all my brother. And I strongly condemn their behaviour. But care must be taken to take measurable and appropriate recourse without further damaging any already collasped political environment. Wisdom is needed and the real religious leaders are a morale campus in these delicate issues.

        As observed there was tolerence for 8 years and hence it is this side of the father hood I am appealing to.

        Sorry if I seem to diaappoint you but for now the point has been made very clear, there is no need of enabling these ignorant offenders tp destroy their lives. There is need to feel some sympathy given what awaits them.

        Infact they too must show remorse so as to save themselves. But some of us can also reach out and reduce the escalation of very serious charges.

        Overal I understand we differ on how we perecive things.

    • @mate
      You think the traditional leaders and church leaders don’t know what is going on in Zambia…
      They know and like all other Zambians, have decided to keep quiet..
      Sometimes silence speaks louder…
      And at an appropriate time, the Zambians will speak and chase nonsense out of Leadership.

      • Don’t underestimate the power our traditional leaders weild. As custodians of our great cultures the are weapons in our hands we can use to stire our great nation into the customs of value and brotherly love we so desparately lack now. There is hope in these lasting institutions and gratefully his Excellency is very much alive to this fact.

        Chiefs by nature are never quick to react. Because some know there is power in their words. Lets not misinterpreted their sense of timing for siding with criminality

        In short what I am saying is we need to sort out the underlying issues effectively and Efficiently. That is how society is educated and united. Take a look at our National registration cards. Whose authority confirms who we are. Its the traditional chiefs. Without them we don’t belong.

      • I don’t why the police are letting this vagabond free to post all this rubbish, support a wrong makes you an equal offender. Lock this rotten character now please

    • Am not with you on this one Mr Mate, these people knew very well what they were doing and saying, actually there are people in prison that needs to be pardoned whose crime was just to steal food for their stomach and they didn’t know that it would land them in jail coz they thought they would be understood on their situation. Otherwise these ones arrested don’t even bring the president in it coz you may just make the president feel guilty for nothing. Frankly My brother think of Nawakwi, Zulu uuuum Brebner aaah are you not tired of these people sure?

  12. Dogs that bark the most seldom bite! Just the threat of a kick and they will be pissing on themselves!
    It seems someone didn’t understand the consequences of their careless utterances but ignorance is no defense!
    A person who was well brought up will think before opening their mouth!
    See your life now?
    Whether you collapse or die, unfortunately the offense you have committed is non-bailable! Live with it!
    Mob Psychology is dangerous! The ring leaders are still free and you have foolishly offered yourself to be their shield!
    You are on your own!

    • Atypical Zambian…all talk non substance… derogotproy as it may sound the truth is that facts hurt and this hirt is a from of in jury

  13. I sincerely hope she will be OK but this is so reminiscent of one Sean Tembo and his signature tendency to fall sick with hypertension whenever the long arm of the law comes knocking.

  14. @Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots Read my post useless Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots…Analyse and intellectually argue .
    We have had governments before…multi party democratic governments where the freedoms and rights of citizens as enshrined in our constitution were respected.. Freedoms of Assembly, Right to association, freedom of Expression…You meet people at home , it is an unlawful assembly, you query tribal appointments , you are accused of hate speech, you give an interview, you are accused of espionage.. A political party with 50 MPs and over 100 local government officials can’t operate.. Opposition Political parties can’t mobilize, can’t interact with the people. What governance is this? Just yesterday, the young man Binwell Mpundu was being labeled a Tribalist by Larry Mweetwa..So that he is crushed and destroyed.
    The self confessed instigator and promoter of Tribal Hate Speech Cornelius Mweetwa, is freely walking our streets, sacred and untouchable… Douglas Siakalima the purveyor of hate speech is a free man…sacred and untouchable.
    Mwiinde who declared Southern Province a no go area for people from the north east is sacred… untouchable.
    Daily you are always insulting our mothers and fathers…The unprintables against mama Edith Nawakwi. Any dissenting view should be insulted and labeled tribal hate speech.
    What are you telling me, useless Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots..Atase.

  15. These are age old chimbwili tricks. Now you’re locked up ati am sick, so it’ll be another BP case. Lock them up nobody is above law!!!!


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