By Mabvuto Mtonga

When on October 24, 2023, Matero PF member of parliament Miles Sampa convoked an extraordinary party convention to usher in new office-bearers, he was fully aware of what he was doing.

From that extraordinary PF convention, democracy won the day and Miles Sampa was unanimously elected president of the former ruling party, something former president Edgar Lungu denied him during the bloody PF convention held in 2014 in Kabwe.

With that decision by the PF members who gathered at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre to elect Miles Sampa as their party president, Sampa used that to start effecting critical changes within PF.

It was on the basis of that PF convention that Sampa appointed Mr Morgan Ng’ona as party secretary general, setting aside Raphael Nakachinda.

It was the same presidential powers that he used to replace Brian Mundubile with Robert Chabinga as leader of the opposition in Parliament.

Miles Sampa did not stop at that in the exercise of his newly-acquired presidential powers. He went ahead working with Ng’ona to submit the new party leadership structure to the Registrar of Societies, when even today it shows that Sampa is the legitimate president of PF.

Further, as the legit PF president Miles Sampa agreed with his other leaders to expel some PF members of parliament who were not towing the party line by refusing to acknowledge that Sampa was now the president.

That party resolution to expel some PF MPs was communicated through a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly and signed by no other than Ng’ona with Sampa’s full blessings obviously.

In accordance with the law nine PF MPs so affected by president Sampa’s decision petition the Constitutional Court so that their expulsions could be reversed. The petition was dismissed but these PF MPs had exercised their democratic rights.

Equally, in accordance to the rules and regulations of the House, the Minister of Information and Media, Hon. Cornelius Mweetwa, raised a point of order as to why the nine PF MPs that had been expelled by their party were still in the House, enjoying parliamentary privileges.

Again, in line with the rules and regulations of the House, which are underpinned by the law, the National Assembly rendered a ruling on Wednesday to the effect that the affected legislators could no longer continue as MPs because owing to their expulsions by the Miles Sampa-led PF, their seats were vacant thus nullified.

In summation, the election of Miles Sampa as PF president was democratic and therefore, his decision to expel his fellow PF MPs using his newly-appointed SG Morgan Ng’ona was not only democratic but also an internal party matter.

No one put a gun to Miles Sampa’s head to expel his fellow MPs by writing a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, and who did not act there and then to expel the nine PF MPs after they sought legal recourse. This hold-back by the Speaker was in recognition of the law.

Now that the legal process is over, the Speaker of the National Assembly is legally mandated to act on PF president Miles Sampa’s decision to expel the nine PF MPs and declare their seats vacant.

Any issues on the merits or demerits of these expulsions should now be internally discussed between the nine PF MPs whose seats have been nullified and their president Miles Sampa. He is the one solely responsible for their unfortunate situation.

Sad as it maybe, the law has to be interpreted as it is if there is no ambiguity. In this case, the law was compelled to move because PF’s democratically-elected president Miles Sampa decided to expel his friends from the party. On this one Miles Sampa should bear full responsibility for what is to come following the nullification of nine PF parliamentary seats by the National Assembly.

(C) Zambia United


  1. It’s either the author of this article is acutely delusional, dementing or blinded folded by the scheme that he HH is the architecture as a serendipity.
    Why Mile Sampa was given police protection by HH administration to hold a conference to elect PF president and MCC / leaders in PF structures without full support of the entire PF?
    Why the judiciary has been in support of Miles to expel 9 MPs when the same judiciary ( judges ) assigned to these cases are all from Zambezi region and always pass judgements that are too questionable even going to a village and you gather elders will pass a judgement that is favourable that will state a test of time.
    Today , Miles expel Chabinga and the group , the corrupt judge hired by this administration stops miles to expel chabinga and his two friends for undermining Miles.
    Nothing remains hidden from the eye and ears of people when they are lies as they have legs. Today we have the most corrupt government, judiciary, parliament or National Assembly run and managed by by crooks and criminals how are very happy to destroy this country but they do not know there were men with integrity and honour the Nabulyato, mwanamwabwa who stood firm and saw every MP as the people who elected them. By elections for 9 MPs what a waste of time and money when the majority of Zambians have no food , medicines , no jobs and the government by the hardcore corrupt uses the headless judges and the parliament to execute the barbarous criminals coup to end democracy. No one will benefit from unstable country. The more you suppress people the more you are heading to untold territory

  2. Miles held a convention because the Lungu dictatorship failed to hold one in line with the PF constitution. Lungu wants to be wamuyayaya. At party level. And at national level.


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