Nellie Mutti is totally offside, the MPs must defy her and turn up wearing the Umquele- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba



Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

Nellie Mutti is totally offside, the MPs must defy her and turn up wearing the Umquele

Hon. Given Lubinda speaking on the floor of the House doned in a Siziba and Lishushu( red beret).

On this day he was also carrying the Mulamu ( wooden walking stick).

Ms Nellie Mutti herself always wears Maseka ( the ivory bangles).

I published a picture of Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya doned in Icilundu complete eith its head gear, a cloth made from tree barks.

Further, there is need to expand the Standing Orders 206 (1) on Dress Code For Members.

According to Standing Order 206 (1) and (2):

  1. The official dress for male Members of Parliament shall be:
    (a) a formal executive suit, or a pair of long trousers, a shirt, a neck tie and jacket;

(b) a toga;

(c) a decent traditional attire such as siziba; or

(d) a safari suit, with long or short sleeves and a scarf or a neck tie.

  1. The official dress for a female member shall be:

(a) a formal dress, formal executive suit either with a skirt below the
knee or a pair of trousers; or
(b) a decent traditional attire such as a formal ‘chitenge’ outfit with long or short sleeves, musisi.

To claim that wearing the Umquele is a violation of Parliamentary rules, decorum and etiquette is practicing discrimination and regionalism against the people of Eastern Province.


  1. But iwe Emmanuel Mwamba, I’m not seeing where siziba or lishushu are mentioned being official dress in Parliament. Given Lubinda was allowed to wear that kind of dress because of the Parliamentary Patriotic Front (PF) Speaker, Patrick Matibini who was there at the time!! This was the beginning of confusion caused by the PF of Zambia. If changes should be there in dress code in Parliament, a debate ought to be tabled by the same MPs via a motion to change or expand the dress code or +++.!!

    • The Speaker, Nellie Mutti, is on firm ground. She should be firm and kick them out of parliament again if they challenge her authority. The indiscipline of the previous rotten PF regime should not be tolerated.

      • She actual cited a standing order authored in 2021. So who was incharge of writing the said Standing Order? Was it the same party that Mwamba represents?

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