Opposition political parties participating in the August 12 general elections have charged that the decision by the Electoral Commission of Zambia to suspend holding of political rallies is illegal, partisan and flawed at both logic and Law.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia ECZ yesterday suspended the holding of campaign rallies for all political parties with immediate effect following recommendations by technical committee which reviewed its earlier guidance discouraging the holding of rallies in the standard operating procedures.

Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) president Sean Tembo has noted with regret the decision ECZ to ban opposition political rallies while at the same time allowing President Edgar Lungu and PF party to continue holding rallies across the country under the excuse of inspecting developmental projects.

Mr. Tembo says the double standards on the part of the Commission has made the opposition to strongly doubt whether ECZ is capable of delivering free and fair elections this year.

And UPND alliance media director Thabo Kawana says the move is illegal because political campaigns are governed by Sections 28 and 29 of the Electoral Process Act which the ECZ exercises or enforces.

Mr. Kawana says the provisions under these Sections limit the duty of the Commission to only set the date when campaigns shall begin and when they shall end and, does not extend to cancellation of political campaigns in any form or part.


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