President Hakainde Hichilema has pursuant to Article 92 (I) of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia transferred Honourable Sylvia.T. Masebo, MP to the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and Honourable Elijah Muchima MP to the Ministry of Health with immediate effect.

The President implores and directs the Ministers to discharge their functions with due diligence ni their new portfolios.

Issued by:

21 July 2024

Clayson Hamasaka


    • What’s the issue here? Is it Sylvia Masebo’s birth circumstances or the alleged scandal at ZAMMSA? Those who know Sylvia Masebo tell me that she attended Mukinge Girls’ Secondary School in Kasempa and went to UNZA in the 1980s. Her father was a Zimbabwean immigrant to Zambia and her mother was a Soli lady from Chongwe. That makes her very much Zambian. Zimbabwean immigrants to Zambia just like Malawians were not living as beggars. They were very much part of the society and the economy. They were therefore contributing to the country.

    • Like Gunner in Zambia, I too ask the same question; what is the issue here? Ms Masebo’s nationality? She is Zambian. Late president Rupiah Banda (MHSRIEP) was born in Gwanda, Zimbabwe. Did you ever question his Zambian nationality? Do you think the PF tribalist would have spared her if she was a Zimbabwean?

  1. Bad replacement,it was better to bring the Doctor who understands the health not that old man who has failed to deliver on land.what he changed Elijah muchina on lands ?the old man is too docile that is honestly speaking watch my words.

  2. Now start the investigations. Pay attention to the click that captured Her. They are very organized fellas, doctors actually. They know the pharmaceutical world. Clamp them and order will prevail. Most where eating even in the previous regime. Kamata them man. Kamata.

  3. This reshuffle is like Two Vacuum Tankers exchanging contents!
    Instead of dealing with deep-seated corruption cyndicates, you do merry-go-round reshuffles.
    What results does Mr President expect to have with clueless Muchima at Health and quarrelsome Masebo at Lands?
    We hope people’s title deeds won’t go missing like the 61 Containers!
    Whoever is advising the president is a very bad advisor!

  4. Just transferring the problem. It’s like playing musical chairs with the same old incompetent faces over and over again. Why can’t you bring some fresh new vibrant faces who are capable.

  5. The scandals are in a statutory body supervised by the Ministry of Health ZAMMSA which has its own chief executive and board of directors. How does Sylvia Masebo become answerable for that when she was divorced from day-to-day decision-making? The colour of the whole truth about the ZAMMSA scandal is still unknown as facts are still being gathered.

    • Point. The head of Statutory body that failed to bring to our attention and was ndwee while US61million worth of drugs needs to be fired. And his excuse is that the agency is bankrupt?
      Let him prove that he communicated to the relevant authorities? Otherwise he is nothing but an assassin. As for Muchima, you can not take a failure who has failed and messed up at the Ministry of lands. Half the issues he went on air and spoke up about show how incompentent he is. Muchima should have just been dropped.

      • But does ZAMMSA exist to make a profit? It’s a grant-aided institution. It’s basically a warehouse and distributor of medicines bought by the state for state hospitals. It does not sell the medicines. How can it be described as bankrupt?

  6. People you really think a ZAMMSA Director can divert such amounts of drugs. There is no truth in this. Rather these storage arrangements have been existent. Drug issues are difficult to understand even for leaders and people always produce alarming statements for nothing. You will find that even so called Board member do not fully understand the challenges that go with management of drugs and in there ignorance resort to alarming statements of which even ministers and probably the President could easily fall prey to. By the way I thought Billy Mweetwa is the Director. I view Billy as the best of the best, but once he got appointed I felt sorry for him because of half truths and out right lies people propagate about drugs and smear campaigns associated. My view is that the Board ignorantly fell prey to lies and half truths, and so did Masebo. Leaders need to be sober minded and interrogate what they are told. All what was need here was for the Board to revisit storage arrangements with the private sector may be in collaboration with the minister. This is the result of placing wrong inexperienced people in Boards. If you do an audit, you might find that no drugs were stolen at all. Finally, the danger of involving non professionals in such purchases is that they are just focused on satisfying the need without regard to other factors such as consumption rates. You end up with expiries on industrial scale within 2 months. People do not understand that Doctors are the least qualified in such issues though they are a powerful and vocal group and would like to oversee such areas. Its complicated by a lot of factors.

    • True, when it comes to medication, pharmacists know more than doctors, take my young man Larry, out of the science directorship into health, what about Benny? Benny and many others will hopefully not fall prey to these corrupt practices because they have worked with ethics and professional standards for a long time?
      Oh my God, who are we going to trust? Who has the power and moral fiber to fight the worst in us?

    • Billy was frustrated for trying to do the right things and being a man of integrity, he chose to leave in good time to protect his good name!
      So you can have a very good DG but the rot is in the Board, Procurement and Finance!
      This is where the root cause of the problem is. It’s a Mafia-like cyndicate fully sponsored and well-oiled by Big Pharma!
      Since Masebo was divorced from oversight on ZAMMSA, and ZAMMSA having it’s own Board to which the DG reports, I don’t see why she has been transferred!
      Our ZAMMSA and MOH are captured institutions!
      A total overhaul is needed!

  7. Ministry of health is a hot potato. I recall how Chitalu Chilufya was scandalised using the honeybee saga. What cone out of the case? Chitalu was discharged. So what was the real reason for pulling down Chitalu? Sore Tenderprenuers? Politics to ruin his presidential ambitions?

  8. As long as changes are at the top, the rot beneath will continue, meaningfully change starts from the bottom where culture is created from


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