The meeting was called to order by the Alliance Chairman, His Excellency the 6th Republican President, and soon to be 8th Republican President, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, at 10 hrs. All members were in attendance with the exception of President Peter Sinkamba and Professor Nason Ngoma from the Green Party, who sent their apologies. The following was resolved:
1. That the TONSE ALLIANCE will field candidates in all upcoming Parliamentary By-Elections in Petauke and Pambashe, as well as upcoming Councillor Elections in Mongu and Mpongwe, and that the Alliance will continue to utilize the New Congress Party (NCP) as a platform for fielding candidates in all the upcoming by-elections as well as all future elections, including the 2026 general elections;
2. That the TONSE ALLIANCE is appealing to opposition political parties that are not yet members of the Alliance, to engage in dialogue with the Alliance, with the aim of identifying and rallying behind single opposition candidates, so as to address the issue of vote-splitting. The Alliance is willing and amenable to compromises in this regard, so as to ensure that the issue of vote-splitting in by-elections is addressed, once and fall all. The Alliance is hopeful that leaders of opposition political parties that are not yet members of the Alliance will put the interests of the Zambian people first, and embrace this invitation to collaboration by the TONSE ALLIANCE;
3. That going forward, TONSE ALLIANCE members and supporters are hereby advised to defend themselves using any means necessary, against the ruling UPND party political violence, and that future aggression by UPND cadres during campaigns, shall and must be met with an equal and proportionate reaction, especially in the face of failure by the Zambia Police to fairly and equitably enforce the law;
4. That the Alliance has admitted Dr. Cephas Mukuka, former Deputy Secretary General of the Citizens First (CF) party and former ZUFIAW President, in a portfolio that is yet to be allocated;
With no other business to discuss, the TONSE ALLIANCE Council of Leaders (CoL) meeting was adjourned sine die at 16 hrs.
Sean E. Tembo
PeP President & TONSE Alliance Spokesperson
Lusaka, Zambia
28th December 2024
Count out and forget about Socialist Party and Citizen First in your Tonse Alliance, unless you make Fred the Presidential Candidate and Harry the Running Mate for Tonse Alliance for 2026. The rest of you will then have to scramble for Ministrial positions or District Commissioners if Tonse wins 2026. Insisting on ECL as Presidential Candidate for Tonse in 2026 is the dumbest thing to push. Can’t you see the reality, even if you are politically visually impaired?
Isnt Harry Kalaba in UKA alliance? Mmembe refused to be party of UKA. After Kawambwa seems SP is rethinking its strategy according to one member called Kaunda
UKA and Tonse is one Family. Siblings just scrambling over morsels of Nshima and beans in one plate. As 2026 gets closer, they will merge and become one again as Orphans, especially now that the Faza seems to be out of contention
National Congress Party has swallowed the Tonse Alliance. As 2026 approaches, there will be disintegration as individual politicians in these alliances have lofty ambitions of becoming Presidents.
Fielding a common candidate in general elections in zambia is impossible. Already, Binwell Mpundu wants to be President