The Patriotic Front Central Committee held its scheduled meeting on Saturday, 4th May 2024.
The meeting was chaired by the Party President, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
In attendance were Vice President, Hon. Given Lubinda, Secretary General, Hon. Rachael Nakacinda and Members of the Central Committee.
1. The Central Committee welcomed the formation and programs of the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) to which the PF was a member. The Central Committee called for close collaboration with UKA, Opposition parties and other progressive social formations such as civil society and trade union grouping to foster checks and balances and to help provide for change and a credible alternative to the UPND and its alliance. The Central Committee recognises that the Zambia people had placed trust and faith in the Patriotic Front and other Opposition parties to rescue them from the current economic crisis and suffering occasioned by neo-liberal and harmful policies of the UPND in Government.
2. The Central Committee dissolved the Andrew Lubusha led Eastern Province Committee, and appointed an interim committee pursuant to article 61, sub section (i) of the party constitution
The Committee is as follows :
Main body ;
Chairman, Joseph Makunkula
Vice Chairperson, Hon. Brenda Nyirenda
Secretary, Hon. Peter Phiri
Vice Secretary Rizwaan Patel
Treasurer,Hon. Philemon Twasa
Vice Treasurer, Velenes Moyo
IPS, William Phiri
Vice IPS, Chembe Daka
Women’s league
Chairlady, Sarah Kalaluka
Vice Chairlady Cathrine Tembo
Secretary ,Vitalina C. Banda
V. Secretary Zelipa Banda
Treasurer, Hon. Olipa Phiri Mwansa
V. Treasurer, Yocco F. Phiri
IPS, Julian Banda
Vice IPS, Merina Mtonga
Youth League
Youth chairperson Chinganyama Kasalika
Vice Youth Chairperson, Gadson Tembo
Secretary, Chimwemwe Daka
V. Secretary, Patrick Nyirenda
Treasurer, Hon. Masautso Tembo Kazungula
V. Treasurer Mkanda Phiri
IPS Maison Phiri
Vice IPS, Gondwe Andrew
3. The meeting paid glowing tribute to the late Southern Province Chairperson, Leonard Siachona. The Party recognised his leadership and sacrifices. The Central Committee has since appointed Mr Omar Munsanje as acting chairperson for Southern Province. The Central Committee urged the new Chairperson to emulate the work ethic and bravery of the late Mr. Siachona.
4. The Central Committee also appointed Mr Justin Mutale as acting Provincial Chairperson for Muchinga Province
5. The Central Committee also received briefings about the current court cases and was appraised about the status. The Central Committee directed the Secretary General to follow up on the cases and give regular updates to the members who were deeply anxious about the status of the Party.
6. The Central Committee also received updates on the continued harrasment from the UPND Government that the Party continues to face, including the refusal by the Electoral Commission of Zambia to accept PF members from participating in by-elections.
7. The Central Committee urged the general membership of the Party to remain steadfast and to continue mobilizing at the grassroots level.
Issued by;
Ms. Nakiwe Simpungwe
Deputy Chairperson of Information and Publicity
Member of the Central Committee
Aka kamudala ka no vision cant even see that his game is up! Very soon he will be speaking from jail. Kayili his children are all pointing at him as the source of illicit funds. Even Esther is also pointing at him as the source.
So how much waz he paying himself? Amazing, state coffers became part of the Lungu family wealth!
Isn’t Rizwaan Patel one of the persons who ambushed Ground and Chama America in Eastern Province months ago?
Upnd is causing an impasse that may bring them and the country problems in future , if PF is successfully heard by the courts after Upnd is out of power, all the bye elections they are holding now may be declared invalid and that will mean all elected councillors and MPs illegally in councils as councillors and parliamentarians, meaning those sittings where they sat being illegal, and whatever monies they are earning to be refunded. Hichilema doesn’t see that because he thinks he is immortal. Kaunda once thought so, but his end eventually came! So Hichilema and his Upnd are digging very big graves for themselves! They will have to do a lot of legal explaining when they are out of power! People who wrote the Zambian constitution are not foolish, they did not want presidents to be dictatorial in a democratic dispensation.
PF is hard to understand.This group holds meetings calls it self PF and president and other office bearers the other group also appoints people on positions others don’t understand or accept.This group is in love with UKA the other one is not willing.Some one is causing this problem and he doesn’t care.Time is in play too .We are watching.