Mr Hakainde Hichilema is a very interesting character. So, with a straight face, he thinks he can deceive the world into believing that he is an advocate and champion of responsible use of social media.

Given his history, what moral authority does Mr Hichilema have to preach about responsible use of social media when his own media team at State House is in the forefront using guerrilla media channels like Koswe and Zambian Watchdog to abuse, malign and insult private citizens and leaders of this country? What moral authority does Mr Hichilema have to gag citizens for exercising their constitutional right by openly criticizing him through social media?

So, for Mr Hichilema, the only use of social media that he regards as responsible is one done by his Koswe and Zambian Watchdog rogue outfits? And for that, he is determined to lock up every critic and opposition politician whilst he freely continues insulting, abusing and maligning private citizens and leaders of this country using his boys at Koswe and Zambian Watchdog?

These two highly seditious guerrilla media outfits openly incite hatred and violence against Mr Hichilema’s critics without restraint. And it is clear that they operate with the blessings of State House.

Strangely, Mr Hichilema thinks this sort of behavior and hypocrisy from him is acceptable, no! They can fool themselves into thinking they are being clever by using their own media team at State House to divide and destroy the country’s political system and moral fabric via Koswe and Zambian Watchdog. But the day is coming when all those behind these rogue media outlets operating under State House will be made to account for their actions, especially that they’re known individuals, and there are many citizens who once worked with them, and are willing to testify.

The zeal and excitement is theirs for now but its just a matter of time before this impunity and lawlessness being perpetrated by State House is nipped in the bud.

But for now, any call to responsible use of social media must start with Mr Hichilema himself and State House, where this country’s most divisive, inciting and uncouth rogue media outfits (Koswe and Zambian Watchdog) are housed and operated.

Let Mr Hichilema preach responsible reporting to his Koswe and Zambian Watchdog. They need it more than anyone else.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Freddie! The time of your post news paper dominance is over and your arrogance if not checked by yourself will land you into problems- very soon you will meet at crossroad with the law because of you rudeness. The law even in the Holy Book, the Bible is there and very clear. It was enacted for the law breakers – so better you check yourself otherwise wukaisangamo mubwafya.

    You said, it’s just a matter of time, indeed it’s just a matter of time when you will be found wrong by your wrong doings. Because, if it is the 2026 general elections that you are dreaming to think, the current government will change, forget. Bally is extremely doing fine and nothing will change the status. His leadership is absolutely well and he is correcting and fixing the wrongs created by Lungus PF. Lies and lieres will have to blame themselves for their ill intentional motives.

    So amendments in the cyber security law is welcome.

    • It’s as if infratentorial reasoning is a virtue!
      Leave important issues to the Sishuwas, the big boys !!!

  2. Freddie! The time of your post news paper dominance is over and your arrogance if not checked by yourself will land you into problems- very soon you will meet at crossroad with the law because of you rudeness. The law even in the Holy Book, the Bible is there and very clear. It was enacted for the law breakers – so better you check yourself otherwise wukaisangamo mubwafya.

    You said, it’s just a matter of time, indeed it’s just a matter of time when you will be found wrong by your wrong doings. Because, if it is the 2026 general elections that you are dreaming to think, the current government will change, forget. Bally is extremely doing fine and nothing will change the status. His leadership is absolutely well and he is correcting and fixing the wrongs created by Lungus PF. Lies and lieres will have to blame themselves for their ill intentional motives.

    So amendments in the cyber security law is welcome.

    • It’s as if infratentorial reasoning is a virtue!
      Leave important issues to the Sishuwas, the big boys !!!

  3. This won’t change the fact that Mmembe has graduated from being the “King Maker” to the “Vaseline Kingpin” kkkkkk
    Once upon a time he bragged with his Post Newspapers that he was untouchable. Behold he met Lungu with the tenacity of a cockroach.
    These are the last kicks of bitch fucked from behind by multiple bulldogs. Alas the men and women of socialist party have realized that there’s no future in their organization. Just go back to what you know best before you loose even the minute relevance you still have

  4. This won’t change the fact that Mmembe has graduated from being the “King Maker” to the “Vaseline Kingpin” kkkkkk
    Once upon a time he bragged with his Post Newspapers that he was untouchable. Behold he met Lungu with the tenacity of a cockroach.
    These are the last kicks of bitch fucked from behind by multiple bulldogs. Alas the men and women of socialist party have realized that there’s no future in their organization. Just go back to what you know best before you loose even the minute relevance you still have

  5. Of course the media should be responsible but it goes both ways. Everyone including media sponsored by the state or the ruling party should be responsible.
    Only dictators gag disenting views.

    • Beenzu while you would to be critical. The best place to start is one’s self. This back and forth that Mmembe wants to engage in is childish and immature. The advice the Head of State gave is timely advice to us all. He does in no way suggest that he is above the law. But timely advice.
      In the past week falsehood have pasted with the biggest culprits being Mwamba. If Mmembe wants to be objective let him do some selfsearching instead of deflecting and worry about HH or Koswe or Watchdog. His own publication has failed and its relevance is now in oblivion without a website. Who is to blame? His own reckless negligence. The showed his criminal intent to defraud the state of taxes. He overleveraged himself in the Zambian Airways issue, that liability can still follow not just him but all the shareholders of Zambian Airways. The liability was just taken over by the purchase of the new owners of the former Invest Bank. Corporate veil can be lifted. Its been done before.
      Introspection is what is being asked. Reponisible conduct by all of us before the law visits us. In the heat of the moment we may break the law. But what is reckless and unforgiveable is the “wanton” intent to sway. Misinform and mislead by the sensationalism of Mwamba. Sadly, we began to see it in Mr. Lungu as well. We need to have citizens that are protected from the politiking. Lets be responisible. It starts with each one of us, me included deflection shows a sign of immaturity. We can not continue like this. What are we teaching our children?

  6. Of course the media should be responsible but it goes both ways. Everyone including media sponsored by the state or the ruling party should be responsible.
    Only dictators gag disenting views.

    • Beenzu while you would to be critical. The best place to start is one’s self. This back and forth that Mmembe wants to engage in is childish and immature. The advice the Head of State gave is timely advice to us all. He does in no way suggest that he is above the law. But timely advice.
      In the past week falsehood have pasted with the biggest culprits being Mwamba. If Mmembe wants to be objective let him do some selfsearching instead of deflecting and worry about HH or Koswe or Watchdog. His own publication has failed and its relevance is now in oblivion without a website. Who is to blame? His own reckless negligence. The showed his criminal intent to defraud the state of taxes. He overleveraged himself in the Zambian Airways issue, that liability can still follow not just him but all the shareholders of Zambian Airways. The liability was just taken over by the purchase of the new owners of the former Invest Bank. Corporate veil can be lifted. Its been done before.
      Introspection is what is being asked. Reponisible conduct by all of us before the law visits us. In the heat of the moment we may break the law. But what is reckless and unforgiveable is the “wanton” intent to sway. Misinform and mislead by the sensationalism of Mwamba. Sadly, we began to see it in Mr. Lungu as well. We need to have citizens that are protected from the politiking. Lets be responisible. It starts with each one of us, me included deflection shows a sign of immaturity. We can not continue like this. What are we teaching our children?

  7. I totally agree with Fred. social media abuse is rampantly with Pharisees who preach what they don’t practice. Look into your mirror, remove what is in your eyes . Koswe media will have its soon or later. It’s just time

  8. I totally agree with Fred. social media abuse is rampantly with Pharisees who preach what they don’t practice. Look into your mirror, remove what is in your eyes . Koswe media will have its soon or later. It’s just time

  9. Iam not a Mmembe supporter but he is right. HH is full od double standards. Why does he want to control the media which he used to get into power? Koswe is rat infested liars and it is controlled by State House

  10. Iam not a Mmembe supporter but he is right. HH is full od double standards. Why does he want to control the media which he used to get into power? Koswe is rat infested liars and it is controlled by State House


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