…..Says the speech does not hold water as it left Small Scale Farmers out…
The Small Scale Farmers Development Agency SAFADA says the remarks made by the president during the opening of the third session of the 13th National Assembly on Friday, despite giving hope to Zambians does not hold water and is relatively empty because some critical issues were not addressed.
SAFADA Executive Director Boyd Moobwe said the president told the nation that government would introduce a public loan facility that would engage the public to produce more maize to mitigate the high cost of mealie meal but did not highlight specifically how small scale farmers would be catered for.
“In particular president HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has told the nation that the government will introduce a public loan facility that will engage the general public to produce more maize to mitigate the high cost of mealie meal in the country.
The small scale farmers development agency SAFADA is particularly very disappointed because small scale farmers are left (out) in the official speech.” Mr.Moobwe said.
SAFADA has since appealed to president Hakainde Hichilema to clarify more in details as to how the small scale farmers will be assisted to become key players in maize production and other crops to ensure nationl food security is maintained.
“The plan to open up a window to public servants to venture into crop production is a good idea but will affect the mealie meal manufacturing companies and small scale farmers will have no better matter. The Government is not clear on this matter because there have been a lot of pronouncement such as the 12 million US dollars through the Ministry of small and medium enterprise, And loan facility to be introduced assist farmers who are not on FISP to obtain a loan.”
He added that Government on the contrary is talking about an open window to allow the public get a loan to venture into maize production in order to address the current situation of high cost of mealie meal in the country.
SAFADA is against this approach saying it does not promote the agriculture sector and the Ministry of agriculture to spearhead agriculture production..
“The speech to some extent does not hold water but running water which shall be dry after sometime.” Mr Moobwe charged.
SAFADA has since appealed to president Hakainde Hichilema to engage technocracats and agricilture consultants to review his speech and that it must be debated in parliament in order to arrive to a general consensus on how to drive the ZAMBIAN economy that will benefit the entire country.
He said that the president did not talk about the extension service but went on to highlight on the education and health sectors, leaving the agriculture sector behind.
He said SAFADA is not well convinced that small scale farmers in zambia will be assisted strongly hence the farmers will be demolished and the stituation will allude extensive poverty .
“Government should note that the manufacturing companies like milling company will loss market and small scale farmers will be suspressed.” Mr Moobwe said.