Former President Mr. Lungu had no presidential ambitions. However, he was convinced by those around him, who saw him as a means to climb the political ladder, to seize the opportunity. Additionally, another group of elites wanted him in office to continue looting public resources, especially families that have suffocated our politics since 1964. These families have been present in every government for their own enrichment and they control key state apparatus.

Before President Sata died, the PF was already experiencing succession problems. To avoid this tension, Sata when going out prior to his death decided to appoint ECL, who had no presidential ambitions, to act as a temporary leader. The intention was to prevent those with presidential ambitions, such as Kabimba, GBM, Kambwili, Sampa, and others, from the feeling that Sata had chosen them as his successor. This was a wise move by Sata at solving party level problems. I recall an incident when Winter Kabimba, acting as president, took the presidential motorcade to his village, causing confusion within the PF. Winter would openly boast that when he speaks, then Sata has spoken claiming to be Sata’s favourite. Such incidents prompted Sata to use ECL, which reduced the tension.

However, it was a mistake on Sata’s part not to consider the consequences of leaving someone without a vision in that position. ECL himself confessed during Sata’s funeral that he had no ambitions of becoming president and mentioned his health conditions.

This is why I sometimes feel that President Edgar Lungu did not care about this country. Criminals, both local and external, exploited our resources with impunity because he had no understanding of the office he occupied. He had no value attached to it and allowed misrule, where everyone, including thugs, assumed presidential powers.

Once and for all, I agree with what Tayali Chilufya said that “You can ask Edgar Lungu to explain his solution to our economic problems, and he will not say anything.” This statement by Tayali is very true. Those who want to support Lungu should let the media host him and ask him to elaborate on how he plans to develop Zambia—you will be shocked by his lack of answers. Even those who rally behind him today either directly benefited from his misrule and want to return to power to continue stealing public resources through backdoors, or they are from small political parties that just want him to bankroll them and advance their personal interests.

Therefore, it is wrong for ECL to think he was a political giant destined for the presidency. ECL became president by mistake, and his seven years of misrule have led to many of the problems we are enduring today.If you have facts other than mine, please challenge me in the comment section.



    There was once upon a time a drunkered who was destined to become president of KIVUKILAND, as time approached for him to assume the throne, his kivuki alangiziz had to plead with his estranged wife that it would not look well if the man was to assend to the lofty throne without a wife, part of the deal was unlimited wealth to all kivuki descendants and good life. This deal also attracted a long list descendant who was now in Zamunda with a changed name of his adoptees to renounce the Zamunda name and come back to KIVUKILAND for wealth creation, and it really worked for them until one-day when they woke up only to find out that it was but a dream and they were back to factory settings

  2. Smell the coffee ba UPND..
    Read the signs on the ground. The Political body mass has shifted from the UPND, and it will gravitate elsewhere. Despite the hype, alarming and screaming headlines from the sick rogue media like Koswe and it’s allies the state Vuvuzelas, Daily Mail, Times of Zambia and ZNBC, and hired bootlickers like the Mambos of this world about Edgar Lungu, people are not interested in your distortions.
    People heard what ECL said, and the version the UPND is peddling..
    When people lose faith in their Leaders, they simply carry on quietly…unbothered , looking for means of Survival in this hostile economic environment.
    Was on a bus yesterday and a Praise Thug wanted to bring up the issue condemning ECL, he was shut down! Smell the coffee Mr

  3. Some of you should also smell reality. The disaster of ECL and PF is there for all to see. Choose wisely indeed, but do not in your willful stupidity and tribal hatred, think people want to return to PF incompetence and tyranny.

  4. Correct and well articulated Sikaile Sikaile. Kindly take over from those UPND media who are writing same thing everyday with no impact.
    In this political era you write without emotions or malice, you do research and analyse present your article with facts. ECL was left as acting President to prevent vultures not that ECL had leadership qualities to lead a nation.

  5. Mr Sikaile, your input is very correct. That’s the truth about how Edgar found himself in state house. The man is not basically a leader. Edgar is simply a drunkard and a thief. Those pushing for his comeback are surprising me. What did Edgar do in his 7 years that makes sense ? The Man was simply womanizing, drinking and stealing. Lungu is useless and a liability. He became president by error or accidentally. Indeed Says wanted someone unambitious to hold his seat not his possible replacement. In my opinion that accident will never come to Edgar again what will come back now is severe embarrassment.


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