She has 56 lawyers defending her! She is in court this month for writing a novel!


Akumbu Bubu writes:

She has 56 lawyers defending her!

She is in court this month for writing a novel!

She is Mazouka!
A 17 years old lady in Ngaoundere.

While in Bamenda preparing our tour stop in Ngaoundéré, I made it part of my objective to meet her while we are there, I did.
One of the questions I asked Mazouka, “will she write the same Novel Again”, she replied without blinking in French “QUI”. She said yes , without any doubt whatsoever.

Ofcourse ,she is scared, her mother goes with her everywhere,she supports her daughter, the father is even more present, It took me sometime to convince the father to allow me see her. I had just a simple word for her .

Keep standing you are not alone. Many young people will learn from your story and will be bold because of you.You are the change we all seek, stay strong.

Her novel is about a Young girl,who is forced into marriage to an old man and she is denied education.

Mazouka just passed her exams and she hopes to study in Yaoundé, I don’t know what’s the future for her, but I do believe like she told me, she will continue writing.
Artwatch Africa
Arterial Network
Aya Chebbi
Check the comments to know exactly what her case is all about.


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