Speech by the Chief Electoral Officer of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), Mr. Brown Kasaro, during the Media Briefing on the 2026 General Election Roadmap in Lusaka, Today, 13th January 2025.
On behalf of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), it is my pleasure to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you all to this first press briefing this year. As we step into the year 2025, let me begin by wishing each of you a Happy New Year!
I would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for the unwavering support you have rendered to the Commission throughout the past years. Your partnership and collaboration have been invaluable, and we deeply appreciate the role you play as key stakeholders in the electoral process.
I am delighted to note that we are live streaming this briefing on various social media platforms, including our official ECZ Facebook page. To all our stakeholders joining us virtually this morning, I extend the same warm wishes for a happy and prosperous 2025.
Thank you for being part of this journey with us as we continue working together to strengthen Zambia’s electoral process.
As we start the year 2025, the Commission is pleased to provide you, our esteemed stakeholders, with an update on the preparations for the 2026 General Election.
On 19th July 2024, the Electoral Commission of Zambia launched the 2026 General Election Roadmap. This roadmap serves as a strategic guide for the activities to be undertaken before, during, and after the 2026 General Election. During the launch, the Commission made a commitment to regularly update stakeholders on the progress of preparations and key milestones.
Today, we gather to fulfil that commitment and ensure that you remain informed and engaged as we move closer to the election date.
Allow me to highlight some key milestones achieved so far and activities of the Roadmap for this year 2025:
1. Printing and delivery of Ballot Papers and other election materials
As you our stakeholders may recall, the Electoral Commission of Zambia on 6th May, 2024, re-issued the tender for the printing and delivery of various electoral materials. These materials include ballot papers, ballot paper posters, blind voter templates, announcement forms, voter’s lists, and registers of voters. This tender is for a three-year contract period to cater for by-elections and the 2026 General Election.
The tender was open to all eligible bidders, both local and international, and was administered following the rules under Open International Competitive bidding procedures as provided for in the Public Procurement Act. No. 8 of 2020 and Public Procurement Regulations, 2022.
The tender for printing and delivery of ballot papers and other electoral materials closed on 18th June, 2024. The Commission received a total of Seven (07) bid submissions comprising six (6) international and one (1) local as at the close of the tender.
Following the conclusion of the bids evaluation process, the Commission issued a public notification on 28th October, 2024 on the intention to award the contract for the Printing of Ballot Papers and other electoral materials to Ren Form CC of South Africa.
However, the Commission could not proceed to execute the contract with Ren Form CC of South Africa. This is in line with Section 180 (4) of the Public Procurement Regulation 2022 which states that:
“A procuring entity shall, where the recommended bidder fails to conclude a contract, or provide a performance security or any other action required by the solicitation document, annul the contract award and award the contract to the next ranked bidder, subject to the bidder being qualified and with the prior authorization of the approvals authority.”
Members of the public may wish to note that a decision to award a contract does not constitute a contract and that the procuring entity may proceed to award the Contract to next ranked bidder where the recommended bidder fails to comply with an action required by the solicitation document. This is provided for in Section 72 (3) of the Public Procurement Act 2020 and Regulation 180 (4).
Arising from this, on 2nd December, 2024, the Procurement Committee granted authority to engage the second best evaluated bidder. The Commission therefore wishes to notify the public that Al Ghurair Printing and Publishing of United Arab Emirates has been awarded the contract to print and deliver ballot papers and other election materials. The contract with Al Ghurair Printing and Publishing was signed on 10th January 2025.
2. Mass Registration of Voters
The Commission is pleased to announce that it will embark on a mass or countrywide voter registration exercise starting in the second quarter of 2025. This exercise forms part of the Commission’s ongoing commitment to ensuring an inclusive and comprehensive voter registration process aimed at empowering all eligible Zambians to participate in elections.
Building on the success of the Continuous Registration of Voters (CRV) initiative currently operational in 30 districts across the country, the nationwide registration will provide an opportunity for all eligible citizens to register as voters.
Additionally, those already on the Register of Voters will have a chance to update their details where necessary.
The mass or countrywide voter registration exercise will run for 60 days, after which the Commission will undertake a deduplication process to ensure the integrity of the Register of Voters. Following this, the provisional Register of Voters will be subjected to public inspection, allowing registered voters to verify their details and ensure the accuracy of the register.
To support this countrywide voter registration exercise, the Commission will implement a robust voter education and publicity campaign. This campaign will leverage various platforms, including mainstream and social media, to raise awareness and encourage maximum participation from the public.
We call upon you our colleagues from the media, political parties, civil society organizations, faith-based organisations and all stakeholders to play an active role in creating awareness and encourage eligible citizens to take advantage of this opportunity. The centres for Continuous Voter Registration remain open, and we urge eligible citizens to utilize this service.
The Certification of the Register of Voters for the 2026 General Election is scheduled for April 2026.
You may wish to note that the Commission is in the process of procuring key Voter Registration equipment and materials.
3. Regular Stakeholder Engagement and Updates
The Commission recognizes the critical role of stakeholders in the success of the electoral process. As we embark on the mass voter registration exercise scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2025, the Commission is committed to maintaining open and transparent communication with all stakeholders.
To this end, the Commission will continue to hold regular updates and stakeholder engagement meetings with various groups, including political parties, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, the media, traditional leaders, and other key partners. These engagements will provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, updates on progress, and discussions on any emerging issues related to the voter registration process and the broader electoral cycle.
4. Update on by-elections
The Commission prescribed 6th February 2025 as the date for polls in the Pambashe Constituency in Kawambwa District of Luapula Province, Petauke Constituency in Petauke District of Eastern Province and two (2) wards namely Ntanda Ward of Mpongwe District in Copperbelt Province and Litawa Ward of Mongu District in Western Province.
I am happy to report that the Commission successfully conducted nominations on 7th January 2025. The nominations were followed by the development of the campaign timetables and stakeholder engagements with traditional leaders, women and youth. The Commission wishes to urge political parties and candidate+s to adhere to the Electoral Code of Conduct, and further encourage voters to turn out in numbers and exercise their right to vote.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Commission remains committed to promoting a collaborative and inclusive environment that strengthens the democratic and electoral process. We implore all stakeholders to actively participate in engagements with the Commission and support the electoral process.
Thank you for your attention and continued partnership. We now invite your questions and comments.
Thank you.