Syndicate of criminals financing Jay Banda…Kabimba challenges Government to find his financers


Syndicate of criminals financing Jay Banda
…Kabimba challenges Government to find his financers

Says their broad scheme is to cause anarchy in the country
ECONOMIC Front Party (EFP) president, Wynter Kabimba says the Government should find the network that is funding fugitive Petauke Central Member of Parliament (MP), Emmanual Jay Banda’s activities.

And the opposition leader says the Petauke lawmaker is being funded by a syndicate of criminals whose broad scheme is to cause anarchy in the country.

Addressing the press, Mr. Kabimba said it was unfortunate that some sections of society were opposed to the prosecution of the Petauke lawmaker who had clearly committed a number of crimes against citizens when the Patriotic Front (PF) was in office.

“Jay Jay Banda is not alone in this whole thing. I do not believe that he jumped through the window as it is being claimed. My view is that he was actually aided and walked out of the hospital door. Who paid for his way out.

“The question is, what is the motive of those that are behind Jay Jay Banda’s activities. Government should find the network that is funding him,” he said.
Mr. Kabimba said the UPND should not be apologetic about making citizens account for the crimes that have been committed.
“In fact Zambians must be happy that they have a government that is making people to account for their wrong doing. Those whos are supporting Banda do they know how the family of the man he almost burnt and urinated in the mouth are feeling?” he said.

He has since challenged the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu to tell the nation who has been financing the Petauke lawmaker including his escape from lawful custody.
“That is the role of intelligence they must tell the nation who is funding all these activities? UPND should wake up. They are running a country and not a church organisation,” he said.

He said those that offend society must be arrested and prosecuted accordingly regardless of their status in society.
“And those who are arrested they can’t be prosecuted from the hotel. They must be in prison. UPND should protect us and the country,” he said.


  1. I adopt this write up as mine. Please police and UPND, treat a criminal from Chibolya and from Ibex the same Please Please. Why would you have 5 people on government payroll guard a criminal when there are already soo many facilities for the criminals. Aaaah its not fair that my tax should be used that way Please, when I stop paying tax then you come and close my business noooo

  2. The UPND running the country like a Church? I think Mr Kabimba is living in a different Zambia? I wonder If what has been happening to Jay Jay Banda is how churches treat people! How would you like the honourable MP to be treated? To be hanged with his b*lls on a police tree or what?
    What a decent Government does when a citizen has committed an offence is , investigate the alleged offence, get the evidence, charge and arrest the suspect, take him to court, conduct the trial( if the offence is bailable, give the suspect bail) secure the conviction, and mete out the punishment as per the penal code.
    It is simple and straight forward..
    Not the charade we are being treated to under this government. Everything it’s Mingalatos.. Everything is politics.
    Is it so difficult to charge Hon Banda, and take him to court if he indeed is a serial criminal? Talking about financiers is nonsense..This man has been treated with inhuman cruelty, and people are tired..

    • Are you for real? JJ has been charged with attempted murder and aggravated robbery and these are the charges that led to his fake abduction and subsequent escape from lawful custody.

    • True to your name, you are a hypocrite. How can a humanbeing urinate in another person’s mouth like Jay Jay did? Even animals don’t do that. How does a normal law abiding citizen raid a Central Police station and beat up the police like Jay Jay did? And you want to trivialize his crimes?

      Under PF, Jay Jay like many other criminals, was untouchable, above the law. So he needs to account for his criminal behaviour now that there is a new sheriff in town. No one should be deemed above the law and this applies to the current regime as well. We want equity before the law.

      Many times, Dr. M’membe and his Post Newspapers warned Mr. Lungu and his ilk in PF that a time to account is coming. It is actually shocking that Dr. M’membe is now singing a completely different song in the name of politics rather than principles.

  3. I agree with you Winter! Some people cannot stomach what awaits them when there is law and order in the country. So they would rather forment anarchy so that it provides an escape. The are in “twalafilila munsenga/we will ruin the food in the sand, so that we all come out empty handed” mode. A responsible government cannot just sit and watch.

  4. 100% with you on this one Winter. In Zambia, wrong doers are glorified instead of facing the law. Police officers are collecting bribes daily at makeshift roadblocks. Women police officers are even in front now. Young people have horned the skills of begging…ati Shani ko ya Manzi when the chap is just standing besides a running water tap. No shame at all…and this is how obtaining things without working for them starts. This has become culture, taking home bread and milk from corruption. One Edgar has come out with blazing guns to champion this culture and people are wasting time visiting him and listening to him. I only know one animal that eats its own vomit. This fella was already rejected. Criminals must be brought to book….Kamata chabe…even with intestines protruding from the exit hole.

  5. JJ ‘s family must quickly make a meeting to understand the facts concerning their relative.Politics may be good but to be at the center of controversy may not be healthy for him.In politics there are some people who can be very selfish and want to use others for their selfish motives.His good friends must sit down and cogitate properly on their friend’s safety.His healthy doesn’t require such games like hide and seek.Even those that are very healthy they still continue to look after themselves well now how about those with record of poor healthy.To what ever we do we must realize that time plays a role.But all in all he has put himself in an aukward situation.It is not good to do certain things in life.

  6. Honourable winter SC is 100% right. Let these criminals be regarded as criminals and face the law squarely. And for sure I don’t think our intelligence system can fail to trace this thing and gis financiers. Not even the issue akanono can be an issue. Because this JJ Banda is a crook not even fit to be called a Honourable. NO, NO.


  7. Mr. Kabimba is 100% right. The UPND is too soft on almost everything; crime, corruption, indiscipline, etc. Even criminals are now daring the government. There are people who are hell bent on causing arnachy. Remember some woman said they are many and they can make things difficult for those in government. Learn to read between the lines of such statements. It is high time this government upped its game.


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