The Death Of One Zambia One Nation, A Clear Path To Tribal Civil Conflict



The Lungu government has effectively thrown away the concept of one Zambia one Nation.

This concept coined by Dr Kaunda has held this nation together in peace for 56 years.
The basic premise has been equal access to national resources and an equal say on national affairs.

One way for equal say has always been through the ballot, under all previous presidents, Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Banda and Sata, all Zambians have had equal access to NRC’S and Voters Cards.

Lungu is is the first to effectively implement a tribal policy of some tribes Supreme to others.
In the discriminatory issuance of NRC’S, the bemba and the Easterner have been declared first class citizens, the Tonga and the Lozi are second class citizens.

Under this new evil system, it is the priveledge of the Bemba and the Easterner to select leaders on behalf of the Tonga and Lozi.

This is the most dangerous policy ever pursued by any government and they’ve set us on a path to tribal civil war.

The Southerners and Westerners are patient and peaceful people, but they are not stupid.

If you will deprive them of their constitutional rights to obtain NRC’S and voters cards, and if you continually manipulate elections, they will eventually rise up in arms against the regime and a terrible conflict will ensue.

The Lungu group is doing all this just because they’ve stolen alot of money and they’re scared to go to prison, and their solution it to set up a tribal conflict as a means and way to stay in power.

If this is how it’s going to be, then let’s hold a referendum and divide this country into two or three separate states, let the Tongas and Lozis self govern and let the Bembas and Easterners vote amongst themselves if they want Lungu and Kampyongo to continue to govern them in the North.

Because the dark path that Lungu has now established is taking us to 1994 Rwanda.

The fact that Lungu feels the need to do this is a clear admission that he’s failed and knows that he cannot win a free and fair election where every Zambian is allowed to have their say through equal access to NRC’S and voters cards. -NDC


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