By Dr Nevers Mumba, President
Movement for Multiparty Democracy, MMD
21st January 2025
The chorus that we are hearing that the Zambian government is abusing human rights is being sang by political leaders facing the law on corruption charges.
The UPND led government has taken huge steps in improving the human rights index for Zambia over the past three years.
By removing political cadres and violence from the political space, the UPND government has created a new political environment of peace, progress and potential prosperity for the nation.
Under the previous Patriotic Party(PF) regime, Zambia was known as a lawless nation which was governed by political cadres from the ranks and file of the then ruling party.
As president of the opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy, I can attest to the brutality of the previous regime. Political violence which mostly ended in loss of life was the order of the day in every election cycle. As opposition parties, we were not allowed to campaign freely. Rallies and any special political meetings were not allowed. Access to public media was a preserve of the PF party.
The MMD has documented evidence of arbitrary arrests. We were publicly tear gassed out of meetings. By the use of the Public Order Act(POA), our party did not receive any police permits to hold political party meetings between 2012 and 2021 outside the official campaign seasons.
It was Zambia’s darkest season in our democratic journey.
In the short three years that the UPND has been in government, violent cadres are off the streets and bus stations. Campaigns are violent free. Freedom of expression is available to all as evidenced in print media, radio and television. One just needs to turn to both public and social media to attest to these freedoms. To show commitment to these values, the UPND government repealed the law and removed the defamation of the president clause. This allows opponents to freely criticize the president without any legal implications.
The claim by the former ruling party members that the UPND government is abusing human rights is a battle strategy to deflect the fight against corruption. Many leaders of the previous regime are being challenged in the courts of law to account for their unexplainable wealth.
The arrests of those suspected of corruption are done in accordance with the rule of law. They are arrested, charged, committed to court and granted bail depending on the nature of the case. We do not consider such a process as abuse of human rights.
We urge the UPND government not to cower or be intimidated. Corruption MUST be fought and won.
The PF party just officially launched a misinformation crusade across the country to paint the current government as an abuser of human rights by creating stories and scenarios that are non existent. They have further decided to tarnish the image of Zambia abroad all in a bid to get themselves off the hook of prosecution for their abuse of power.
The rule of law is at work and no Zambian should be deceived by the insincere tears of offenders of the law.
We however urge the police to ensure that they use even handedness in dealing with any citizen who is found to be on the wrong side of the law. There should not be any sacred cows in the fight against corruption. Past, present and future offenders should all be held to the same standards.
I thank you.
Mumba, akulyafye. Ubushiku bumo chikaba niwe.
His meal ticket is being threatened.
He only has 14 months left of good milile. These are stressful times for the fallen angel.
Vote wisely in 2026.
Both Ba Musonda and Ba Indigo have not refuted any of the points in Dr. Nevers Mumba’s post. Instead, they resort to name calling which for me is an indication that what Dr. Mumba has said is largely accurate.
PF rule was our darkest hour. They took the country to the lowest levels in every human endeavour – economically, politically, morally and spiritually, we hit rock bottom.
Their thieving was unprecedented and they are masters at hypocrisy, totally without shame.
As for human rights, Nato Forces were there to make sure that there were no dissenting voices and the assistant IG of police, Mr. Bonny “bone breaker” Kapeso was there with his Police Force (PF) in case you dared to go against the public order act.
The veracity of Dr. Mumba’s post cannot be doubted. Let those who disagree give their version of the “facts” instead of disparaging him.
Musonda you should be ashamed of your utterances. Mulepepa nokupepa. Nevers is stating facts and the Lord knows that. You were here in Zambia and you were seeing these things. How can you indult your fellow brother from the north as if you are part of those thieves who are painting Zambia black because of the court cases they are facing? If you are innocent and honest you will agree with what Dr Mumba is saying!!!
I am a Bembas too and honestly I must say you are behaving exactly how even our chiefs behave. We are a shameful tribe because our stomach controls us. Why we always attack each other I do not know. That is why despite being in the majority, Bembas will never make President and so far Zambia has gone through seven (7) presidents and none is Bemba. That should tell you something. Even HH does not know how to handle our paramount Chief because he is inconsistent….flip flopping positions at every instant. Awe sure mweee…
The corrupt and criminal offenders want to continue abusing the innocent Zambians who are now enjoying the restored peace and order by dragging us into their own mess and alleging rampant abuse of human rights in the country. Just face the consequences of your criminality and leave us to enjoy the peace you violently disrupted during your wicked seven year misrule. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction – Newton’s third law of motion for you. All the best!
I just read the global expression report 2024 which has the following freedom of expression categories…. Crisis, highly restricted, restricted, less restricted and open. For the last five years from 2018 to 2023, the report states that 4.2 billion people across 53 countries experienced deterioration of their freedom of expression, only 681 million people across 18 countries saw improvement. .. the largest advance in expression of 32 points took place in Zambia. Zambia is under the category of less restricted. It will be interesting to get the feedback on freedom of expression by the visiting UN envoy so this can be compared to this global expression report 2024.