The New Heritage Party Condemns Unlawful Stoppage of Mandevu Rally by UPND Govt Police and UPND Armed Cadres


Press Statement For Immediate Release

The New Heritage Party Condemns Unlawful Stoppage of Mandevu Rally by UPND Government Police and UPND Armed Cadres.

Lusaka, Zambia – 1st June, 2024

The New Heritage Party is deeply saddened by the turn of events whereby the Government through its Police Force backed by armed cadres stopped our scheduled rally at Mandevu Compound Ground despite the NHP’s meticulous adherence to the Public Order Act, the authorities deployed heavily armed police while the UPND bussed its machete and panga wielding cadres, with a clear intent to intimidate and potentially harm peace-loving Zambian citizens.

This brazen action makes it abundantly clear that the Zambian police and security agencies are not serving the public but are instead operating under the directives of President Hakainde Hichilema who recently proudly announced that he was going to get tough with the opposition.

This move, by the Government, is meant to expose innocent people to the dangers posed by this oppressive and bloodthirsty UPND regime police force and cadres.

The UPND that has been claiming that it does not have cadres, has been shown up for what it really is, a 2-faced, hypocritical and most violent party, scared of its own shadow.

To our members, we urge you not to despair in the face of this blatant attack on our democratic rights.

I also want to thank our members and others from our UKA partners for showing restraint in the face of extreme provocation and not engaging the bullies.

Be rest assured, we are committed to employing all legal and lawful democratic means to restore our God-given rights.

Together, we will stand firm against this unjust repression. Thank you for your continued support and vigilance.

Chishala Kateka – President
New Heritage Party


  1. The Police and government always fall into the trap of the opposition like rats into the mousetrap, by refusing them to hold their rallies. The opposition, as always, have won public sympathy and for the next few weeks will have more than enough “democracy shrinking” narratives to spin. Police should just let them hold their rallies, Zambians are discreet and clever enough to distinguish between what is sensible and senseless. At least I can!

    • The opposition politicians would always abuse the freedoms and rights in a democratic dispensation. Look at the insults they are hurling at HH after he reformed the law on defamation of the president. Everyone is insulting, demeaning and abusing him. People like Nakachinda even abusing the Judiciary thinking that’s part of democracy.
      Now if you relax the laws on assembly, the idyots in the opposition will be organising assemblies every day and everywhere disrupting normal activities daily.
      You need to think carefully about the high levels of ignorance in the opposition parties before taking a plunge on allowing the assemblies.

    • The opposition politicians would always abuse the freedoms and rights in a democratic dispensation. Look at the insults they are hurling at HH after he reformed the law on defamation of the president. Everyone is insulting, demeaning and abusing him. People like Nakachinda even abusing the Judiciary thinking that’s part of democracy.
      Now if you relax the laws on assembly, the idyots in the opposition will be organising assemblies every day and everywhere disrupting normal activities daily.
      You need to think carefully about the high levels of ignorance in the opposition parties before taking a plunge.

    • Simpo, I like how objective you have become lately. Let’s not always support everything but take time to analyze things independently.
      Well done!

  2. Why don’t politician learn. When HH went through the same while in opposition he should be the last one doing the same to other opposition parties but no immediately they come to power they see nothing wrong.

  3. As at now, my dear Razor, there no proof to show that those youths were UPND cadres. You only say what you are saying when and if you have the proof otherwise any youth can mascaraed as UPND youth just to Turkish the image of the ruling party or just for propaganda purposes. Our friends in the opposition are desperately looking for such opportunities.

    • Whilst you are being deliberately naive in saying they were not UPND, the issue is that police, by law, are mandated to apprehend ANYONE breaking the law. They have been selective and it’s clear for everyone that the police have been selective in their arrests, look at the tribalism jargon, insults that have been aired against the frmr President as well as the garbage that is strewn here against anyone who so much as questions UPND policies.
      In a nutshell, police should have arrested anyone who was armed and attempting to disturb the rally.

  4. Don’t worry President Chishala Kateka. You are the next president of Zambia…ECL has endorsed you… Hakainde is history. Whoever the PF will back will be the next President…and Given Lubinda will be our Vice President …Stay the course

    • That’s how tribalist you idyot can be. How can Lubinda be vice president to Mr Chishala Kateka that has never been in parliament and has no clue in politics. You Bembas always think you are the clever ones and other tribes are second fidle – how stupid can you be?
      Lubinda has more than 20 years experience of parliament business compared to Mr Kateka with zero years of political experience.
      Anyway, that will never happen because HH will rule for the next 20 years uninterrupted. Wailasha iwe Chimbwi no plan. Ati Mr Kateka next president, kuti waseka! Keep dreaming in your Bemba dreams kkkkk!

      • Ati, “how can she be president when she has never been in parliament and has no clue in politics”?.
        Lol, how about one person named HH?

  5. Ba Citizen, the proof is that the thugs were able to wield their pangas and roam freely right in the presence of heavily armed police, if the report by Ms. Kateka is anything to go by.

    This heavy handedness by the police will damage the UPND. Personally, I find this whole issue of police denying the Opposition rallies, revolting. It replicates the disgusting behaviour of the PF towards the opposition just before the 2021 elections. There is no way such behaviour can be justified. Why are the police having this way?

  6. Chishala Kateka should realize she is being used by Ukalists! You will be alone behind bars on the coldest of nights while Ukalists continue enjoying warm blankets and coffee!
    The Bible says there is time for everything under the Sun (Ecclesiastes)
    Even our Constitution clearly stipulates when the time is open for political campaigns and that is after Parliament is dissolved!
    I personally agree with police and I wish government can make this clear!
    Government must also be more proactive in communicating with the people! For example, the president should address the nation in an honest way by stating who was behind the abductions and if some of his officers were involved, he should fire them and replace them. He definitely has this information already! Keeping quiet over these issues is like giving the opposition an upper hand!
    It’s shocking how the opposition propaganda machinery seems to be better organized than the government one! Such a scenario is what has led to the fall of governments!
    Loadshedding is also not helping the government to stay ahead with communication with the masses! The masses can no longer listen to news! Instead of concentrating on resolving this energy deficit situation, they are now preoccupied with political squabbles, distracting them further from fulfilling their promises!
    Address the loadshedding, fuel and escalating cost of living issues as you have been advised before and there will be less noise!
    To the opposition, there is a bemba saying that you must fullfil: Ukupesha ilungu kwendamo!
    Let UPND run the full course of their term in office so that they should have no excuse for failing to deliver!
    Stop calling for early elections for the sake of peace!
    Elections are not far from now!
    It’s not yet time for political rallies!
    To avoid putting people in harm’s way, it’s time to reconsider your strategies! A non-confrontational approach is always the best!
    The current tension in the country has been caused by both government and opposition! It takes 2 to tangle!
    For the sake of everyone’s safety and national peace, let the government of the day have it’s way. They will be judged soon on 12th August 2026, just 2 years and 4 months remaining!
    Let’s all tone down and watch our ANGER levels lest we start collapsing due to stroke one by one!
    Check your BPs regularly and avoid unnecessary stress!
    You don’t want to miss 2026 because of high blood pressure!
    God is in control!
    Zambia will not cease to exist because of us!
    We found it and we’ll leave it!
    But ba Kateka should hold a Press conference as a matter of urgency to calm tempestuous hearts and give some hope to the hopeless! Keeping quiet is what makes things worse! Can the advisors do the Patriotic thing!


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